24- Early Night Hunting

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I got out of bed from my nap, walking to the living room I noticed everyone was gone. I then sat on the couch realizing it was night so I turned on a lamp.

Where the hell did they go. There's no way they're hunting it's what only 10 and people are on the lookout for them.

The door then opened revealing the guys.

Speak of the devil

I then noticed blood on them, I sighed and walked to the bedroom about to close the door but Gerard snuck his way in.

"You don't have to hide." He said looking hurt

"No Gerard, it's just I don't know how to handle situations like this." I replied holding his hands

"Okay, well I'm going to get dressed. Love you!" He exclaimed pushing me out of the room

"Wow rude." I muttered sitting on the couch

I then felt someone pick me up from behind the couch

"I swear to god Gerard!"

"I'm not Gerard, baby." I then recognized that voice as Andy

"Get the hell away from me!" I screamed escaping his grasp and running to the kitchen

"Violet?" Gerard asked walking from the bedroom

"Gera-" I started but Andy put his hand on my mouth and put us behind the cabinet


Andy then picked me up and carried me out the back door to the cemetery

"What do you even want!?" I screamed as he set me down by a tree

"Oh just to torture you all. Without you they'll go crazy, without them you'll go crazy." He smirked laughing

"You're sick." I hissed standing up

He then pushed me into the tree and kissed me

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled pushing him to the ground

"Violet!" I heard the guys scream

"He-" I started but Andy slapped me to the ground

"Shut up bitch." He hissed showing his fangs

He was then tackled to the ground by Gerard. I couldn't but laugh a bit, Mikey then lifted me up in his arms and we all went home.

"Will he ever give it a rest?" I asked as Mikey set me on the couch

"Probably not, and the great thing is now he's the ruler he's going to be harder to kill." Frank replied sitting by me

"Oh that's just fan-freaking-tastic." I sarcastically replied

I then stood up

"What are you doing?" Gerard asked

"It's 3 in the morning, I'm fucking tired night!" I exclaimed falling onto my bed and dozed off into deep sleep

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