68- Voices Scream The Truth

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trigger warning; self harm, depressing thoughts, + voices
I sat in the bathtub as blood colored water surrounded me, I did it again. I can't stop, it won't go away.

I got out of the bath and cleaned my arms. I wrapped my towel around me and left the bathroom to be met with freezing cold air. I shivered and walked to the room getting changed in my school uniform. I then applied foundation to hide my peppered freckles.

People always told me my freckles made me look ugly and immature. I sighed applying eyeliner and lipstick. As I was going to leave the room I heard whispering. I held my ear to the crack in the door and heard Mikey and Gerard speaking

"Violet has been acting weird." Mikey stated

"She has, she will barely talk to me and tries to hide her teary eyes. Something is wrong."

"So you think she has...resorted to cutting again."

"...I don't know."

I pulled my ear away and paced the room, they couldn't know about it. I applied makeup to cover my scars...good barely noticeable. I shouldn't be worried about this...I'm a lost cause. I sighed as a few tears hit my cheek, I wiped them away and opened the door to be met with the guys standing there in uniforms, smiling. I don't deserve them.

"Ready?" Gerard asked obviously having a worry in his tone

"Yep!" I exclaimed faking a smile

We walked to school as Mikey carried Gerard...I don't know why. And it was my first time laughing for real in a few days. Then school came.
"Miss Jane I demand to know why you didn't turn in the project with Mr. Robin." Miss Jackson sighed

"Well-" I started but looked at my phone and I got a text from Zach that read;

Tell anyone about that night and you're dead meat.

I gulped and continued

"I didn't feel like doing it." I lied

"That's no excuse Miss! Detention after school!"

"Yes m'am."

"Now Mr. Robin-"
I sat at the table and noticed Gerard was gone.

"Where's Gerard?" I asked but then felt a new presence at the table

I looked and saw Gerard was sitting next to a girl with a arm around her waist. That-, now calm Violet Gerard can have girl friends.

"So Gerard who's your new friend?" I asked

"Oh this is Charlie." He smiled

"When did you two meet?" I asked

"Well we were art class and became partners and became friends." Charlie explained

She seems sweet, too sweet. No Violet not everywhere has to be so damn depressing like you.

"That's sweet." I smiled, faking of course
I bet he's cheating
I beat he hates you
He loves her
Just kill yourself no one loves you
He never loved you

Oh don't I love the voices. I sighed and put on earbuds to block the sounds of the voices chanting.

I watched as Gerard and Charlie cooked, laughing. Jacob read, Frank complained about some shit, while Mikey and Ray discussed music. Of course I isolated myself, I say in the dining room peeking to the living room and kitchen to see what's happening.

Charlie seemed nice but Gerard seemed attached to get maybe too attached may might say. But I'm not worried until something happened.

He hates you

My voices screamed over the music I turned it up all the way and closed my eyes. Why can't they go, why can't I be normal and happy.

"Violet are you okay?" I heard Frank ask

"Yeah I'm fine." I sighed saving my hand for him to go away

The guys then started whispering...probably about me

All of them hate you
Kill yourself
No one likes you

My voices screamed. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door getting out my razors.

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