44- Day One Of Alone

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I cuddled next to Gerard as we watched Scream, everytime I would get scared I would hide my face in his side and he would giggle. His phone went off and he answered.

"Princess?" He said to me

"Yes?" I replied

"All of us have to go for two days, will you be okay?"

"Yes, but why do you guys have to leave?"

"The kingdom apparently needs all citizens to do some boring meeting shit."

"When do you leave?"

"The morning."


"It'll be okay princess, I love you."

"I love you more." I smiled and laid on his chest, falling into deep sleep
I woke up to no noise, which was weird due to the house usually always being noisy. I yawned and stretched, my muscles still ached from the night a few days back.

I looked around but couldn't find Jacob, where could he be? I took out my phone, ignored the messages and called Jacob.

"Hello?" Jacob said his voice raspy from obviously just waking up

"Where are you?" I yawned still trying to get used to being awake

"I went Dustin's house."

"But school!"

"Eh, it'll be okay."

"You're gonna fail."

"I'm okay with that, now get ready for school, love you."

"Love you too." I sighed hanging up

I shuffled to the kitchen making coffee like I always do. While waiting I got ready and grabbed my cup of coffee, and sat on the couch watching news.

I glanced at the clock and it showed 6:48, shit I have twelve minutes to get there. Instead of walking like everyday for some damn reason the guys make me do, I drove.

I parked my car, got out and felt warm air hit my cold skin, gotta love August. I sighed walking into school, still having a limp though.

I approached school to see everyone staring at me, smirking

"What the fuck?" I muttered

"Awh did your boy posse leave you?" Zach asked

"Leave me alone." I said bluntly and opened my locker

"Oh babygirl, no." He giggled and pushed me into my locker

"Let me out!" I screamed

"No can do." He replied and walked away

I then started crying and the bell rang as everyone walked to class

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