I sat on the couch next to Jacob while the guys talked in the other room. I sighed and stood up getting tired of waiting on them. I then heard the door open and they all came out, smirking.
"Did you guys fuck something?" I asked
"No! We're just talking, god what are you picturing?" Frank replied and plopped onto the couch seat next to me
"Well you all came out here smirking and looking pretty proud so..."
"I can't believe you." Gerard laughed
"Anyways," Mikey started and glared at Gerard "today we're having a best friend day, just us."
"Oh yay!" I exclaimed "But may I ask why?"
"A thank you for...well the whole Zach situation."
"Awh Mikey you don't have to do that!" I exclaimed quite excited and scared for today
"I know, now get ready. I'll be outside."
"Can I open my eyes yet?" I asked as I held my hands over my eyes"Oh fine." Mikey sighed
I then removed my hands from over my eyes to see a small-like amusement park. I then felt my inner child kick in.
"Mikey we're at a amusement park!" I screamed and bounced around
"Violet, sweetheart are you okay." He giggled
"Nope!" I replied
After thirty minutes of Mikey cussing and waiting for a parking spot we finally entered the park. Once we walked a bit I heard a gasp from Mikey that sounded like he saw someone dying."What!?" I exclaimed
"Follow me!" He exclaimed back and grabbed my wrist pulling me to a rollercoaster
"I don't have a choice do I?"
"Nope." He replied as we sat in line
After about ten minutes we finally we reached there and I felt my breath start getting uneven. I sat in the seat next to Mikey as the bar sat on my shoulders. I looked a Mikey with pleading eyes and he held my hand.
"You'll be okay." He reassured as the ride took off
It was fun but then we reached the upside down part. I screamed and squeezed Mikey's hand. Soon after we went upside down, I screamed and Mikey pulled my head into his shoulder.
"I'm still mad at you for making me ride that." I laughed as we entered our hotel room"Oh shush, I got you popcorn afterwards." He laughed back
"...Mikey why are we staying at a hotel?" I asked quite honestly very confused why
"Do you feel like sitting in a car for another three hours?"
"No bu-"
"Exactly." He smirked and took off his shirt
"I am a innocent child why am I being exposed to this nudity!" I exclaimed and rushed into the bathroom
"I was just taking off my shirt sweetheart."
Can he not?
"How would you feel if I took off my shirt in front of you?" I asked creeping back into the bedroom
"I could care less." He shrugged
"Sorry just being honest!"
I felt blush creep across my cheeks,
Stop it Violet.
"I'm gonna get changed in the bathroom like a normal person."
"Whatever." Mikey laughed
I awoke from my bed to quiet humming and darkness. And if that wasn't enough, there stood it."Ge-Mikey help!" I screamed and threw a pillow at the figure but it vanished before it landed
"What's wrong!?" He exclaimed and jumped out of bed, rushing to me
"T-the figure w-was here." I stuttered as tears lightly fell down my face
"Oh sweetheart, it's okay you're okay. You're safe I promise you." He smiled softly and started to go back to bed
"C-Can you lay with m-me?"
"Of course sweetheart." He chuckled and laid by me
I cuddled into his side and nuzzled my face into his shoulder
"Hey Mikey can I ask something a bit personal?" I asked pulling my face away from his shoulder to look at him
"Sure sweetheart."
"Who's Sierra?"
He took a sign and then explained,
"Sierra is my girlfriend...well ex-girlfriend. I dated her when I was when I was well human. We dated for five years but when I got turned into this she started noticing different things. I wouldn't leave the house, I was angry all the time, and I would never allow her around me. I was afraid I would hurt her. But when she broke up with me I was a complete asshole and all of my emotions spilled."
"Oh Mikey, I'm so sorry."
"It was along time ago, I'm over it." He smiled but I could see the pain in his eyes
"Can I ask another question?"
"Hmm? Oh sure."
"Who's Bonnie, I know she's Gee's ex-girlfriend and a vampire. But what's her backstory?"
"Well her and Gerard dated a long time ago. On night they went a abandoned plantation, Bonnie apparently went upstairs and a vampire attacked her. She died and now she's the evil bitch you find today. Excuse my french."
I giggled but carried on
"Was she always so evil?"
"No I think she just is jealous of you."
"Has Gerard dated anyone after her, besides me."
"No...he hasn't. After her he didn't want to date any human, he was scared that they would get hurt. That's why he is so protective over you."
"Damn...I didn't know."
"Well now you do, now get some sleep sweetheart you need."

princesses and vampires | gerard way✔
Fanfiction❝ rose red, i will make you tell the truth. ❞ 🥀 in which a teenage girl falls for a vampire contains: strong language, self harm, depressing thoughts, eating disorders, panic/anxiety attacks, suicidal thoughts, overdosing, sexual harassment, and su...