82- Frankie's New Girl Isn't That Bad But Frankie Is

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trigger warning; mention of rape, depressing thoughts, + voices
I cant believe this, I can't fucking believe this. As if life couldn't get any worse with Andy maybe still alive, Bonnie back, voices are back, I was almost raped by Zach, depression kicking my ass, and Gerard worried about me constantly. Guess what fucking happens, Frank gets a girlfriend. That's right Frank now has a girlfriend, now she's sweet and all but I can't help to feel the slightest bit jealous. Sure I'm a attention whore, at this point I've learned to live with it.

Her name is Cassie, she's skinny, beautiful, funny, and caring. Everything I'm not. Oh and have I mentioned I hear Frank and Cassie fuck every night. At first it was hilarious but now it's just fucking ridiculous. That's the one thing I'm definitely not jealous of.

But here I sat in my living room with the guys and Cassie all talking. I'm still very sensitive to talking and people having contact with me. Hell Mikey made me sit in here.

"Frankie and I are talking about children, we plan to have some very soon." Cassie cheered

Frankie? Just no. I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a strangled laugh.

"Oh Violet have you and Gerard talked about ever having children?" Cassie asked with wide eyes

Oh god, just no.

I let out a laugh and shook my head

"What!? Why!?"

"Well for starter we've only been dating for four months and that just isn't my thing." I replied trying to hold back fits of laughter

"Four months!? That's a long time!"

"Hey Cas can you check on the food." Frank asked

"Of course Frankie!" She exclaimed and rushed to the kitchen

"Oh Frankie!" I laughed and tears dwelled in my eyes from laughing

"Shut up!"

"So how many kids you want Frankie?" Mikey asked

"Shut up."

"Oh don't forget to name one Frankie Jr!" Ray budded in and I fell to the ground dying of laughter

"Oh my god."

"I can't believe your cheating on me Frankie!" Gerard said with a gasp and hand over his heart

"I hate all of you." Frank muttered looking angry

Shit Frank angry is not good

"Oh c'mon Frank you love me." Gerard giggled

Frank then looked furious, Mikey opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off

"G-guys leave Frank alone." I said almost letting out a whimper

Frank's expression softened realizing that he scared me

"Violet no it's okay, I didn't mean to scare you." Frank cooed

"I-it's okay...I'm going to b-bed." I whispered still wanting to whimper

"But it's only 3." Gerard stated

"I know."

I walked into my bedroom and pulled the covers over me and let out strangled cries.

Fucked up bitch

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