Oc made by: InkBloods
Name: Maevryn Gamp
Interesting, Harry-Potter-reminding name.
Physical Description: Wavy blonde hair, cut to just above shoulder length. She doesn't really know what to do with it, so it's often left in a matted ponytail. Extremely large, grey eyes with hints of blue. She loves wearing vests. Pretty much any chance she gets, to her mother's horror.
So I'm assuming she's white? Vests are rare so I like that she enjoys them.
Blood status: Pure
Makes since with her name.
House: Hufflepuff, much to the chagrine of her all-Slytherin family. Her parents were mad, but kind of expected to be disappointed. Her older sister, however, is furious because of the "social embarassment" that Maevryn caused.
I LIKE THIS. Lots of times people stick to their character's family's house. And I like how you showed how this affects her.
Wand: When somene asks, she rattles off: "Larch with unicorn core, fourteen and a half inches, brittle" but she has no wand.
Did she break it?? Or lose it?? I don't know someone could go to Hogwarts, or well, try to strengthen their magical powers without one.
Classes: Potions is her best, since it's basically mixing stuff in a cauldron. She can fake Divination (tea-reading specifically) and can pass in Astronomy. She's good at History of Magic since it's just memorizing facts, but Care of Magical Creatures is a toss up. Sometimes it requires magic (reigning in Cornish Pixies, for example) and other times she just has to be herself. (e.g. With hippogryphs, she just has to be respectful.) It's pretty much the same with Herbology. However, her Charms, Transfiguration, DAtDA or anything else requiring a wand is... pointless. When Professor Firenze allowed her into the school, he deliberately set up her schedule so that she could avoid these classes with the least suspicion possible. He said she'd already taken these and was now studying higher-up classes, such as Runes and Arithmacy. If anyone pressed, she was to say that her wand had been confiscated.
Very confused as to why she doesn't have a wand??
Family: Maevryn is from the somewhat-Pureblood Gamp family. Some bearing this name are most definitely not Pureblooded, but Maevryn's family is. This results in her parents scrambling to prove their worthiness. Her father, Landeous Gamp, is preoccupied with all of the bloodline mumbo-jumbo, and her mother, Felicity Gamp, is preoccupied with her work at the Ministry of Magic. Her sister, Delphi Gamp, is preoccupied with social shizzle and torturing Mae however she can. The whole family is beyond shocked that their pure blood could produce a Squib, so they're angry at Maevryn for how she dare be born.
Ohhhhh. She's a squib? Okay now that clears up. Squibs attend Hogwarts though? Because that doesn't make much sense.
Hobbies: Concocting new potions. It can have varying results.
Talents, abilities, or powers: As a Squib, Maevryn cannot produce magic. However, she still has magical blood. This means that magical things (e.g. Brooms) can still work for her (in my AU. Not necessarily true for canon, but I tried to stay as true to canon as possible.) It also means that any magic channeled through her is magnified so that it's considerably more powerful. No one knows this, but Professor Firenze suspects. This is why he invited her to Hogwarts despite her lack of magical ability, to test this.
Everything was just explained. Thank you.
Fears: People finding out she's a Squib, her parents finding out other people have found out she's a Squib. Also, her older sister.
Her family doesn't know? But somehow Professor Firenze does?
Faults: Maevryn doesn't have a good grasp of the concept of loyalty. She tends to leave people, assuming they'll leave her once they have what they want. (This is part of why the hat wanted to put her in Slytherin, because she's not exactly opposed to using people. She doesn't really know better.)
I never considered them to use people, but instead they use their power sparingly and not waste it on everyone.
Good points: Maevryn is, however, opposed to actively hurting people. She's just not very good at sticking by. But Maevryn will rarely turn down an opportunity to do you a favor. When she sees a person hurt or neglected like she was, she tends to scramble to take care of them.
What he/she wants more than anything in the world: A) Be with people that have reasonable expectations for her or B) Be with no one at all. But being with people that want you to be something that you simply cannot be is wearing.
His/her secret dream: To have magic.
Background: When Maevryn was born into her high-falutin' family, everyone just assumed she'd be magical. But after no signs of magic at the age of five, her parents assumed the worst. And were right. Mae was shoved into her bedroom and kept there until they had guests, in which case she was told to come out and act magical. She rarely did. Her parents never physically abused her (although Delphi sometimes did), but they abused her emotionally/verbally without hesitation. Mae has issues from that, but she internalizes it more than lashing out at other people as a result from it. She still tried to earn some favor from her parents, what with her Hogwarts letter and good manners, but she could never earn their respect. The first time she really rebelled was when she decided to be put in Hufflepuffinstead of Slytherin. It was also a fantastic way to avoid Delphi.
So they do know she's a Squib? I'm confused.
Sorry that it's so long!
Overall, she's a really nice character and I would actually read about her in an HP book. However, I'm confused on who knows she is a Squib and who doesn't. Wouldn't her parent find out when they bring her to get a wand?
Sue rating: 15%
Originality rating: 80%
Interest grade: A-
OC Reviews [now closed bc of personal issues]
RandomThis is where the oc bios and reviews will be placed! On the first chapter we'll have some stuff that is needed from your character (nothing too serious, just what is required at least), but on here will be the list of fandoms that we can reviews oc...