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Yet again at the same time you hear slamming and noise coming from the other side of the wall. "He is cute... But seriously...." You whisper to yourself and lay in bed until Joji stops.

"Thank you..." You whisper to yourself but next thing you hear is someone falling to the floor next door, You knock on the wall, "Joji! You alright!" You start to shout and worry. You get up from bed and put on a hoodie fast.

You rush out into the hall and go up to Joji's door. You knock three times but he doesn't open. "I know you are in there!" You shout. You put your ear up to the door. You can only hear someone jumping up and down.

"That's weird..." You whisper to yourself. The elevator door opens and you see both Ian and Max running in. You sense something bad has happened.

"Is Joji okay?" You ask. Ian runs past you and into Joji's apartment but Max stays with you,

"Look, I don't think Joji would want you to go in there. But... Joji just gets stress over things and..." But before Max could finish Ian calls him in.

"Have a good nights sleep... Don't worry about any of these." Max smiles and closes the door on you, fast.

You jump back so the door doesn't hit you, "Joji...." You whisper and just wait till either of the guys come back. You sigh and go back to your apartment. You lay in bed thinking about the three boys. Yet sleep comes over you and you fall into a deep sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep! "I hear you!" You shout to your alarm clock as you slowly get up. It's 8 o clock. You smile to yourself. A whole hour to prepare. You walk into your bathroom and shower when you come out you put on a beanie, shorts and a simply shirt.

 You walk into your bathroom and shower when you come out you put on a beanie, shorts and a simply shirt

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You grab two energy bars and pour yourself orange juice into a water bottle. You grab your ~wallet     ~purse      ~backpack (You can choose which ever one)

and walk out the door that's when Joji comes out of his apartment at the same time.

You smile to him but when you walk up to him he turns and walks the other way. "He didn't even try to look at me...." You whisper to yourself.

You walk down the stairs so you dont have to bet in the same elevator with him. When you get to the lobby you look around for Joji but he is already gone. You sigh.

"Lover Boy seems to not like you." you hear a familiar voice. You turn your head a little to see Max.

"Hey... " You whisper. you check your watch to see it's only 8:30. Still have time.

"Joji already left with Ian." Max informs you.

"I wasn't looking for Joji." You lied.

"Really?! Than... Why were you looking all around?" asked Max.

"I was looking for a trash bin." You lie again.

"Why?" He asked.

Why can't you just leave. "Because I want to throw my trash away." You hold up the empty energy bar wrapper.

Joji X Reader-- Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now