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It's been three days and this is the last time, Jacob will come to see you. You wait for him in your office and that's when Jacob comes in. You see that his hair came back. "Hey." you smile. Jacob sits on the chair, "Thanks... For curing me." smiled Jacob. You stand up and hug him, "It was nice working with you." you smiled. Jacob leaves with his mother.

You walk to Dr. Howell's office, "I finished." you sit down. Dr.Howell laughs, "You need to cure more." said Dr.Howell leaning back. You smile and rise up a needle, "I have the cure right here." you place the needle down on her desk. "I told every doctor how to create the medicine. Also how it works." you stand up take your coat off and slam it down on her desk, "You are lucky I didn't reject you!" you shout leaving her office. You hear her yell, "Don't you dare, ever show your face around here or around me!" You laugh knowing you never would.

You walk out to see Ian and Joji. "Your stuff are all being sent back to New York." informed Ian. "But right now... We are going to go and travel." smiled Joji. You laugh, "Travel? Where?" you asked. "To two places." Smiled Joji. "It's also a surprised... So you aren't going to get a window seat." added Ian. You smile, "I hate window seats... So thanks." Joji gives you your backpack. "We have more backpacks filled with clothes so don't worry. Also your cameras in there in case you want to blog." smiled Joji.

You hope into the back seat, "Don't look back." you ordered Ian and Joji. They both laugh, "We can't make promises." smiled Ian. Joji punches Ian. "We can go and get some snacks." suggested Joji. You agree. "The fun has to always stop..." whispered Ian as him and Joji get out the car. Meanwhile you stay in the car and switch clothes quickly.

You sit in the car waiting for Ian and Joji and they don't come back

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You sit in the car waiting for Ian and Joji and they don't come back. "They are so slow..." you whisper as you look around and see Paper Towns book. The book that Joji gave to you. You smile to yourself and pick it up. You open to a random page to see some writing. "To my biggest fan. (Y/N) thanks for always being there for me. You are beautiful filth now go hang yourself -FilthyFrank." You laugh to yourself and flip through the book to see a signing of Joji.

"Hey, I read the book. It's great. Thanks for being there. That night when the seizure happened, I love your voice. Sing to me more." You read it over and over again until you hear Ian get in the car. "You are so stupid! (Y/N) do you like orange or lime?" asked Ian. Joji looked at you with dark eyes. You think about it for a while. "I like lime..." you whisper. Joji smiles, "See... I am smart." laughed Joji as he handed you a lime flavored water. Ian laughs, "You seem like someone who likes Orange." You smile.

You guys finally arrived at the airport. You get out of the car and grab your backpack. Joji and Ian do the same. "Max will meet us in the first place." informed Ian. "I just hope this is a good idea." laughed Joji. You smile and take out your camera. "Hey, Owls. We are going somewhere... I don't know where... Maybe to New York!" you shout as you look at Joji. "We aren't going to New York." informed Ian. "Well... Than..." you look back at the camera. "I am here with Joji and Ian. Hopefully I don't die... because I seriously can't trust them." you laugh. You turn off the camera. "By the time we arrive you can edit and upload." smiled Joji. "Where are we going?" you asked. Joji shakes his head no and walks faster.

You enter the airplane, "Where are we going?" you asked trying to take your ticket from Joji but he holds it up high, "Nope!" smiled Joji. You punch his stomach but before you can take the ticket Ian takes it and shoves it into a backpack. You stomp your foot down on the floor, "Fine! Be a jerk!" you say looking the other way around. Ian is in the window seat while Joji sits in the middle.

The airplane starts and you are in the air. You try and stay calm but nothing works. Meanwhile Ian and Joji are acting like it's all normal. "Are you going to have a seizure?" you asked. Joji laughs, "No, I am okay." smiled Joji as he took your hand. "But it seems like you are about to have one." You try to hide your fear but all that happens is that your whole body starts to shake. Joji is about to say something but you look him in the eyes, "Don't you dare make fun of me." you order. Joji smiles and looks back at Ian and start to talk.

You look around your backpack and take out your Paper Towns book, "I saw the messages..." you whispered. Joji looks at you confused, "You said something?" asked Joji. "I... Saw the messages.." you whisper again. "You got that far in the book?" asked Joji with a confused face. "No... Just opened to a random page where FilthyFrank left me a message." You laughed. "That doesn't count... We can't talk about the messages until you read up to that page." said Joji as he turned around to finish his conversation with Ian.

You fall asleep quickly. "Good night..." you hear Joji and Ian whisper and laugh.

You wake up to see a marker flying around you. You see Ian writing something on your forehead. You push him off, "What did you do?!" you asked and see that Joji and Ian switched seats. "Before you go and see what we did... Joji did the big one..." whispered Ian. You get up and look Joji into his eyes, "Jerk..." you hiss and run to the bathroom.

You see the mirror and stare at a huge dick in the middle of your forehead and "IDubbbzTv." on the right side of your forehead. You get mad and try to wash it up. You curse under your breathe.

You walk back to your seat. Joji and Ian switched seats again so Joji is next to you. "How did you get it off?" asked Joji. Showing you the sharpie. "It's called using soap over and over again." you hiss as you pinch his arm. "Ow! Okay... I am sorry..." whispered Joji trying to hold in the pain. "You should be..." you laugh and try to go back to sleep.

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