Wedding Day

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Sunday-- You get up to see Lily sitting on the edge of the bed. "Go back to sleep... It's only 6." she smiles. You rub your eyes to not fall back asleep. "Where is Joji?" you ask. "He is getting ready.... Trying to make everything perfect." explains Lily. You sit up and finally see dry tears around Lily's eyes. "Why were you crying?" you ask. 

"Joji is getting married... Soon to have grandchildren... It's an amazing life... Plus, I get to live it with my husband, son and daughter in law." smiles Lily. "They were happy tears?" you ask. "Of course!" shouts Lily. She hugs you. "But let's get ready. You think it would take two hours to get ready for your weeding... Wrong!" shouts Lily. 

"Let me just get ready..." you whisper. "I put your sweatpants and a simple shirt to get into." points Lily to the clothes. "Thanks..." you smile. You get up and put them on. You go downstairs to see the other girls. "Let's go!" shouts Lily as the girls walk to the mini van. 

You sit in the middle of Katt and Jane. You finally get to the room and see tables filled with make-up, food and cameras. "Remember this is all live." smiles Lily as she walks in. There are other YouTubers in the room that are girls taking the video. 

You go to get your dress. "How is your day going?" asked Lauren from LaurDIY. "It's going good." you laugh. "What would you life to tell Joji?" asked Lauren. "You're a crazy butt, you know? But I love you anyway." you giggle. "How cute?!" she shouts. "I need to go get ready before Lily gets mad..." you whisper. "Of course!" she points at the changing room. 

You change into the wedding dress of your dream and walk out. Everyone is looking at you. "Beautiful...." whispers Lily. "Let's get back to work!" shouts Ella. You sit in a chair while Louise from  Sprinkleofglitter does your makeup. "This lipstick will make you shine!" she winks. You giggle a little while she applies it. 

She turns you to see the mirror, "Where am I?!" You ask as you look around the mirror. You see mascara, lipstick, eyeliner and foundation on your face? (I don't know this makeup stuff! Help!) "That's you silly." Louise points at the girl in front of you. "God... That is me?" You ask while laughing. 

"I hope this all goes while for you." Louise blows you a kiss and goes to the next girl. You stand their while Lauren  comes up. "I look some pictures up... Do any of this seem like anything you want?" asked Lauren. You point at the picture of your choose. "Great choose!" she shouts. 

She works on your hair while Lily and Katt come with a camera. Their hair, makeup and dress are on them. "How do you think this day will go?" asked Katt. "It will go perfect." you smile. "Are you having fun?" asked Lily. "The party has't began yet... Has it?" you ask. Lily rolls her eyes. "Joji better have a better responds..." whispers Lily. 

Soon Robert comes into the room. "We are ready." he smiles. "Lauren, You done?" asked Katt. "Give me two more minutes..." whispered Lauren. Robert shakes his head and sits in front of you. "A baby... Getting married... You have growing up." laughs Robert. 

Soon Lauren pats your back, "All ready girly!" she smiles. "Everyone go take their seats! The bridesmaids and bride will soon go out." ordered Lily. Robert stays with you. "Are my parents here?" you ask. "They did... They are mad... But the came." smiles Robert.

You follow Robert out of the Tent and into a building. You walk into to see a small door. "The Bridesmaids go first..." whispered Lily as she walked outside with the girls. The door closes behind them. 

You hear someone on the microphone, "Now for (Y/F/N) to come out with Robert Galvin." You hook your arm around Robert's arm and walk in with him. Joji turns around and covers his face. He falls to his knees and doesn't take his hands away from his face. His best men are next to him laughing. 

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