Paper Towns

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You wake up on a Saturday morning. You stand up and change clothes. 

You make yourself

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You make yourself

~A sandwich       ~Cereal        ~Some pancakes    (You can choose)

You sit down and think about your life, "I went to Harvard... yet... I am going nowhere in life!" You shout and eat your pain away. You hear a knock on the door. You walk to the door and peep through the hole on the door. Max.

You rush to get your backpack, Beanie and scarf. "I'll just lie my way out of these." you plan. 

You open the door and Max is still there.

He frowns, "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the book store." You smiled.

"You are working?!" asked Max.

"No, just want to get a book." You walk out to the hallway and close the door.

"Why are you here?" You asked Max. You lock the door and give Max a smirk.

"I... I...I wanted to go on a date with you." Max finally said.

Your eyes widen at the question, "Can you repeat that?" You laughed.

"(Y/N) I want you to go out on a date with me." repeated Max.

"I will think about it...." You whisper and walk past him to the stairs, "The only guy, I want to ask me that, is Joji..." You frown. 

You arrive at the bookstore, "Hey (Y/N) Are you working today?" asked Robert.

"No." you laugh. "I left a book here... That I want." You look around the counter.

"Is it that Paper Towns book?" asked Robert.

"Yes!" you jump up.

"Some kid brought the last copy." frowned Robert.

You frown. "Maybe reading Fault in..." Before Robert could finish you interrupt him.

"I already read that book." You get up and walk to the door, "But thanks anyways Robert." you smile and walk out.

There across the street is Joji. "Hey!" you shout. Joji turns around and waves. You want to run up to him and a girl's head appears next to him. Joji and the girl walk side by side towards you. 

"Hey." smiles Joji. You face the girl.

"I need to go..." you say quickly and rush to the cafe. Joji calls after you but you ignore him.

"Who was that girl?" your mind kept asking but you knew there was never going to be an answer. 

You ordered an ice coffee and two cookies. Ian walks into the cafe, "Hey (Y/N) You okay? Look like you had a crappy day." laughed Ian. How can you tell if someone is having a crappy day. You ask yourself but than fake a smile.

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