Ch 1.) A past in Pure Turmoil

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I sat beside mother, coughs shaking my thin form whenever a sob tried to bubble past my lips. I clutched Alexander tightly as our mother struggled for breath, holding both of us in her shaking arms tight as ever even as her strength was fleeing her.

"Giovanna," She whispered.

"Mother," I whispered back.

She lifted a shaky hand to my cheek.

"Take care of your brother, he'll need you. Just as you'll need him." She said her eyes drooping.

"Anything Momma," I promised.

She forced a smile and I kissed her cheek.

She moved her hand to run through Alexanders hair.

"My son, My Alexander," She said fondly.

"Mother," He responded hoarsely, his hand gripping mine.

"You and your sister will do great things, heed her words and heed them well, everyone will know your names," She said.

I forced a watery smile. She would always tell us that.

"I'll make it true for you mother," Alex swore.

She passed away that night, I held Alexander close to my side as he sobbed and wheezed. We nursed each other to health and moved in with our cousin...He committed suicide after his wife died. We had nowhere to go. Alex was only fourteen and had seen too much death and sadness. Alex retreated into his own mind, reading and writing down anything that came to his mind. I was able to get a job with our old Landlord. He revered our talents and praised Alex's writings constantly. We barely made it along....I was nineteen when a hurricane destroyed our home, for some reason we survived. The eye of the Hurricane was yellow, a golden light bathed the destruction around us. It seemed as though Mother was looking out for us... They found us after the storm curled against each other. Alexander tight in my clutches, snapping at anyone who tried to take him from me.... The towns people were moved by our passion and story they raised money to send us on a passage to New York, telling us that History had its eyes on us. So this is where our destiny has lead us, New York Harbor. I took Alexander's hand and we began our journey, as they say. "In New York you can be a new man," I wonder if the same applies to women.  

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