Ch 17.) Eliza

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I tried to fix my make-up the best I could before heading back inside. I was grabbed and pulled into a corner hallway. Before I could shout for help I was met with the familiar eyes of Laurens.

"Hey," He whispered.

We hadnt spoken since I had found out about his engagement. I didn't even want to look at him but I knew I needed him regardless of how it was.

"Look. I told Martha not to talk to you but she-"

"John, She had every right to talk to me. You are engaged and made me believe that you love me"

"I do love you!" He tried interrupting but I kept pushing though.

"No John. And the point is I needed to have her talk to me. You can be happy with her. We were happy and cute for a while but...I am not something you could put up with for a long time. I'm not lady like. Im outspoken and brash. I'm a mess and you deserve better. Now go be with that lucky, wonderfull woman. I'll talk to you later," I said, kissing his cheek and turned to walk away.

He gripped my hand in his own and forced me to look at him.

"I really love you," He whispered, tears pricking at his eyes.

I smiled softly.

"Maybe, but not like you are going to love her,"

I made my way back to the ball room and spotted Alexander chatting with Angelica. I giggled noticing the blush on his cheeks. I strode over and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Now dearest brother. I believe it is rude of you not to dance with your big sister," I teased. "Now, I'm going to steal my brother and dance with him." I said, mock glaring at Angelica.

"By all means Gia," Angelina laughed.

Alex gripped my hand and pulled me onto the floor. I laughed as Angelica agreed to dance with Washington.

"Don't step on her toes sir," I teased as Alex and I whirled by them.

Angelica laughed and The general shot me a glare, a small smile on his lips. I squealed in delight as Alex dipped my, my loose hair bouncing as he tugged me back up. I threw my arms round his neck hugging him tightly as we just swayed to the soft tempo. Alex wound his arms around my waist, squeezing tightly, his face buried in my hair. A trait he developed when we were young. A comfort for him I always guessed. When he was worried about me, or stressed. A smile graced my lips as I pulled away and kissed his forehead. I looked around for Peggy and found her trying to break apart her arguing sisters. I excused myself from Alexander and told him to stay put.

"Hey, what is going on here!" I hissed, stepping between Angelica and Eliza. They didn't answer me, just kept glaring at each other. I looked to Peggy for answers. She jumped at the chance to keep her sisters from arguing.

"Y-your brother, Gia."

"Alexander?" I asked shocked.

"Angelica knew I was head over heels for him the moment I laid eyes on him!" Eliza hissed.

"You can't call dibs on love Elisabeth!" Angelica snapped back.

"Father will never approve of the two of you. I at least I have a shot!" Eliza said smugly.

"Oh my god enough!" I snapped. "Now you listen to me! Carajo, I said enough! I'm sick of all this fighting. Angelica, go speak with Alexander some more, he hasn't kept his eyes off you all night. Eliza, upstairs" I snapped.

I gripped the middle Schuyler's wrist and pulled her into her bedroom. The first thing I noticed were her tears.

"Hey, stop that." I whispered, taking a handkerchief and wiping her eyes. "Now, talk to me,"

"I told Angelica that I was enraptured by him and she didn't care."

I took a deep breath.

"Eliza...I encouraged Angelica," I admitted.

The look of betrayal in her eyes hurt.

"Why?" She asked smalley.

"I didn't want you to get hurt." I said. "I know Alexander better than anyone ever will. I raised my brother after our mother got sick. Eliza, do not misunderstand me, he would be happy with either one of you. He would settle and I know that you would put your heart and soul into a man who couldn't love you completely." I whispered.

"What?" She asked, her brow furrowing.

"He would love you yes. More than anything because that's how Alexander is, but you need someone who can give you constant affection. Alexander can not do that" I said honestly

Eliza shoulders sagged slightly. I took her hand and lead her downstairs once more. I forced her to look at Angelica and Alex.

"Look at them. This is the happiest i have ever seen your sister. Would you want to take that away from her? And why are you saying that you love him? You've only just met,"

"I guess I fell in love with your stories," She admitted. "You built him up to be this amazing wonderful man and I guess I created a vision in my head I wanted so badly to be real that I didn't think of anything else."

I hugged Eliza gently and put my hand on her cheek.

"You are going to marry a great man and be so happy. I promise you that. For now, you just have to be your sister's best friend, like you always have been." I smiled.

I looked over at my brother and he turned his gaze to me, a look I have never seen in his eyes...Helpless.  

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