Ch 28.) The Minister

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    I woke with a start when a knock echoed through the room.
    “Giovanna? Are you awake darling?” Adrienne called.
    “Oui Madam,” I called back, raking my hair back into a high ponytail and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
    She opened the door and immediately opened the blinds, allowing the vibrant sunlight to stream in.
    “Did you sleep well,” She asked sitting beside me on the bed.
    “Surprisingly,”  I said with a light laugh. “I doubt my brother faired as well,”  I sighed.
    “Alexander and I have a hard time being apart. For the longest time we were all eachother had,” I explained.
    “Well, Family is above all else,” She said patting my knee.
    Gilbert is waiting for you when you're ready,” She said gliding gracefully out the door.
I sighed and stood looking at my appearance in the mirror. I took a wet cloth and wiped the soft makeup from my face and I brushed my hair. I decided on a light dress. I assumed the French Hierarchy wouldn't appreciate a woman in a uniform consisting of trousers. I twirled once in the mirror for good measure and headed downstairs.
“sleep well Mon bourdon?” Lafayette asked.
“Oui, Very well.” I smiled taking his arm as he lead me to the carriage waiting outfront. My hands shook as we neared the embassy. What if the minister belittled Lafayette because I was a woman. What if he didn't listen to my ideas?  What if I ruin all of this?
“Stop thinking Bourdon. I can feel you becoming nervous,” Lafayette hushed, kissing my temple.
The carriage slowed and I hopped out and followed Laff up the steps. Lafayette spoke in quick french to the Secretary who allowed us in. The double doors opened to reveal a man standing at the high windows his back to us. The man turned to us, a grin on his lips. My breath caught in my throat and butterflies filled my stomach. The sun behind him gave him an ethereal glow. The minister strode and met Lafayette halfway and shook hands with him
“Bonjour Monsieur,” Lafayette greeted.
“Monsieur Lafayette. Just call me Thomas,”

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