Ch 30.) Teasing

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  I awoke to Adrienne jumping onto my bed.
"Giovanna!" She yipped excitedly.
"Adrienne!" I groused trying to pull the cover up over my head.
"Oh no! None of that! We are going to dress you up like the royalty you are inside. You must look the best." She exclaimed, yanking the duvet off the bed.
I groaned and moved to sit at the vanity. She grinned triumphantly and grabbed a comb and ran it through my unruly hair.
"We're not doing anything special today. What's wrong with the way I normally look? It's just a diplomatic dinner," I questioned.
"Oh mon amie, why would you hide this from me!" Adrienne exclaimed in shock. "Gilbert told me you could hardly take your eyes off of the minister last night." She teased.
"He said what!" I lashed out, turning sharply to look at her.
I watched as Adrienne's eyes filled with mirth and a childlike glow.
"Ooooo touchy touchy."
I grumbled under my breath crossing my arms over my chest, sinking into my chair.
"Oh come on you can't tell me you weren't the least bit interested. I've heard he's quite handsome," She sighed dreamily.
"Adrienne," I chastised. "I'm not over John. I know it is wrong to be pining over a married man but...He has a special place in my heart." I sighed, pushing my bangs out of my eyes.
"Well. C'est La Vie mon cher." She giggled. "Now! You have no choice. I am dressing you up and as you are a guest in my home you cannot say no," She beamed.
I groaned and sent her a mock-glare.
"Whatever you say Madame De Lafayette," I laughed, settling back into the chair closing my eyes.
She squealed in delight and yanked the hairbrush from my hair. She hummed lightly as she brushed my hair gently. I hmm'd in delight as she gently brushed my hair back from my eyes. She took a sparkling clip from one of the drawers . She grinned at her handy work and brought a hand mirror up to the back of my head so I could see. A gasp escaped my lips.
"I love it Adrienne!" I breathed.
"I knew you would Mon Bourdon,"
"Adrienne! That is my nickname for Gia!" Lafayette called.
We looked at each other and burst into giggles.
"How did he hear that!" I laughed.
"Thank You Adrienne I've never felt more beautiful," I beamed hugging her tightly.
I heard a knock echoed through the main foyer. Adrienne squealed and rushed to the closet and pulled out a dress, tugging the gown over my head.
"What happened to shopping?" I Laughed as she hurriedly straightened the skirt.
"I"ve changed my mind!" she exclaimed pulling me down the stairs.
I tripped and nearly fell when I felt a set of strong arms catch my fall. I let out a deep breath knowing my head wasn't going to connect with the linoleum.
"Thanks Laff" I thanked.
A deep chuckle that didn't belong to my dear friend shocked me. I looked up into a pair of riddled eyes. A blush worked its way up my neck as I listened to a pair of giggles originate from behind us.
"Oh. Minister! I am so sorry," I stammered, struggling to stand upright.
I slipped again and threw my hands around his neck to catch myself, his hands gripped my waist, blushing harder. God Damn Heels. And Damn Adrienne De Lafayette while i'm at it for putting me in them.
"It is quite allright dear Giovanna," Thomas smiled at me.
Laff cleared his throat and we stepped away from each other. I brushed my hands down my skirt trying my calm myself. Laff smirked, raising an eyebrow at me. I glowered at him
"Thomas." Lafayette laughed clapping him on the shoulder and shaking his hand.
"Marquis, thank you for inviting me into your home." Thomas smiled, shaking the latter's hand.
"Of course!" Laff said.
Adrienne cleared her throat and crossed her arms, looking at her husband expectantly. As if she were going to introduce herself. Lafayette laughed and tugged Adrienne forward, an arm snugly around her waist. Adrienne gave Thomas a blinding smile.
"Oh sorry Mon Cher. My lovely wife Marie Adrienne Françoise de Noailles, Marquis de Lafayette," Lafayette said proudly.
Adrienne rolled her eyes and stepped forward pulling Thomas into a friendly hug
"Please, just Adrienne," She beamed.
"Pleasure," Thomas smiled kindly back, bowing slightly.
"Well, I'll have to speak with the cook and see what we can prepare for dinner this evening. Im sure you three have quite an evening. Lots of work and such things,"  

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