Ch 12.) General Washington Sir!

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          I reread Angelica's letter, my eyes bright with excitement. I raced to the general's tent and burst in with a flourish. A bright grin across my features.

          "General Washington, sir!" I exclaimed.

          "Giovanna?" He asked

          "Sorry to burst in sir," I apologized, a blush spreading.

          "No need darling girl," He chuckled.

          "Well, Sir. Angelica Schuyler and I have been corresponding for quite some time now. She is one of my closest friends sir. Well sir, her latest letter has just arrived and-"

           He held up his hand, quickly silencing me. I sent him a shy smile and my hands fidgeted restlessly.

          "Gia dear, what is it that you need to tell me,"

          "Well sir. Mr. Philip Schuyler. He wants to hold a winter ball in honor of the rebels. He believes a night off will help the men...Regain their brains," I joked.

          General Washington stood from his desk and walked around it, his hands clasped behind his back. His expression clearly pondering. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until he turned back to me.

          "Breath Giovanna," He reminded me.

          I let out a sigh and smiled softly. My face fell as his turned stony and unreadable. I prepared for the worst as he began to speak.

          "Well Ms.Hamilton. I suggest you write back at once to Ms.Schuyler and tell her of our imminent arrival." Washington said, a smile slowly creeping onto his features.

          I let out a girlish squeal and laughed myself at him, hugging him tightly.

          "Oh sir! Thank you so much!" I laughed, I was shaking with excitement.

          "Dismissed Gia, go tell the troops." He laughed waving at me offhandedly.

          I rushed out of the tent and all but plowed Alexander over.

          "Alexander!" I exclaimed.

          "Giovanna!" He exclaimed a nervously.

          "Oh Alex, We're going to the Schuyler's for a ball!" I exclaimed.

          "Really?" He asked.

          "Yes! Oh, I haven't danced in so long! Do you think John will ask me? Do you think-"

           I tapered off as I noticed Alex's face fall when I mentioned John's name.

          "Giovanna...Did you kiss John?" Alex asked quietly.

          "Yeah, you already knew that Alex," I laughed.

           "Gigi. He got a letter from his father a month ago....Laurens is engaged to married. An arranged marriage." Alex said softly.

             I felt a lump form in my throat.

              "What?" I whispered. 

             "They've been corresponding for a little over a week," Alex whispered.

              I fell into the snow and let out an ugly sob. I just wanted to melt into the snow and allow the cold to let me go numb. Alex pulled me to my feet and into our shared space with Hercules. He gave a concerned look but Alex just shook his head. We curled close together on the small cot. I gripped the lapels of his jacket with trembling hands. He hushed me while running his hands through my messy hair.

                "Oh Alexander. How could I have been so stupid to think I even had a chance with someone like him...Anyone. Im nothing but a bastard orphan," I whispered.

                 "Hey!" Alex snapped.

                  "Sorry, but you know how I get when I'm in these moods." I whispered.

                    "Don't ever belittle yourself Giovanna. Think on it this way. You'll see your beloved Schuyler sisters soon and I believe your friend Angelica will have a few words for John. I have a few for him as well." Alex said, muttering the last part under his breath.

                 "No Alex. He is still our friend. This changes nothing," I said sternly.

          "If you say so," He grumbled.

          "Now. I am very warm and more comfortable than I have been in a while. So you're staying whilst I take a nap."

          He chuckled, the sound vibrating in his chest. God how long had it been since I had heard my brother laugh.

          "I love you Alexander," I murmured.

          "Love you too Gigi," He murmured back.

           I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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