Ch 46.) The office encounter

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It had been three weeks since I had returned from Virginia and I had yet to tell even Angelica I was with Thomas.

We were currently in his office and I was sitting on his desk giggling at something stupid he had said.

"Are you going to tell Alexander anytime soon?" He asked, placing his hands on my hips.

I flushed in embarrassment. I knew I had to tell him, and soon but I knew how he was going to react.

"Yes, soon. I promise. I just want to do it when you aren't here and Angelica is," I admitted, looking down.

He tilted my face up so I looked into his soft eyes.

"Whenever you're ready, I'm not trying to push you Giovanna," He said.

I smiled softly and leaned up to kiss him. One of his hands left my hip, to travel into my hair.

Apparently neither of us had heard the door open until we heard two pronounced, angry 'Giovanna's'

I broke away wide eyed and shoved Thomas away from me so I could get off his desk and turn to face the men in the doorway.

There's stood Alexander and Washington, and my heart sunk.

"What the fuck Jefferson! Keep you hands off of my sister!" Alexander shouted at the top of his lungs.

My gaze turned fearful as I looked at George. My eyes pleading for the help I couldn't voice.

"Well...I guess Martha's letter makes sense now." was all he said.

I could tell he didn't necessarily approve but he saw I had been happier since my return and Thomas was the reason for that.

"None of this makes sense!" Alexander shouted, moving forward to grasp my wrist and yank me away from Thomas' side.

"Alexander!" I yelped, at the force of which he grasped my wrist. "Let go!" I hissed, when he looked back at me.

"We're going home," Alexander insisted ignoring me, and speaking to George.

"Son," George warned, seeing the fire brewing in my eyes.

I yanked my arm from his grip, making him stumble in his step.

"The next time you don't release me when I tell you Alexander, I will break your arm with no remorse!" I hissed, stalking him back into the wall.

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," He whispered.

"And as for your intrusion...I'm sorry you had to find out this way," I said, playing with my hair. "You remember Angelica and I speaking of my time in France and how Laff had introduced me to a wonderful man who made me forget John,"

I heard Thomas take a sharp inhale at John's name.

"It was Thomas," I admitted.

"But you hate him..." Alex shook his head. "How long has this been going on?" Alexander asked, barley above a whisper.

"...about three days after I went to Visit Martha," I admitted.

Alexander groaned.

"Hamilton," Thomas hesitated, especially when Alex's angry eyes met his. "I love your sister. I truly wanted her to tell you the moment this all began, but I respected her wishes." Thomas said.

"I will never like you Jefferson. I'll still hate your existence and I sure as hell don't like your hands anywhere near my sister, but I cant stop her...But we need to go home Giovanna...We need to speak,"

I looked between Thomas and George hoping they would stop this conversation, but they both gave me sad looks.

I sighed and walked over to Thomas and kissed his cheek.

"Everything will be alright. Im not letting you go again Gia," He vowed.

"I know," I smiled and squeezed his hand in mine before following my brother home.

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