Ch 9.) Right-hand Man

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"Giovanna!" I heard Alex call.

A blush heated my cheeks and John and I stepped away from each other.

"Come on, the general is coming and I want my sister back," Alex said, tugging on my arm

"I'm coming Alexander, I'm coming. You don't gotta pull my arm out of my socket," I teased.

"Come on. We have a war to win. They're battering down the Battery check the damages," Alex said trying to distract me.

I shook my head trying to clear the disconcerting thoughts.

"We gotta stop 'em and rob 'em of their advantages!" I snapped.

"Let's take a stand with the stamina God has granted us. Hamilton's won't abandon ship Yo, let's steal their cannons!" I said excitedly.

We stole away in the dead of the night, snatching three cannons from a British camp. Unfortunately even with their added aid we had to abandon Kips Bay and lost the Southern Tip. We retreated back to Harlem. I noticed Washington in distress and I couldn't blame him. How could he defend our new nation when the men he had to lead were Chickens. It was Mutiny! We marched heavy hearted to Manhattan where we would take camp for a bit. Washington brushed past me and I heard him mutter under his breath.

"I cannot be everywhere at once, people I'm in dire need of assistance..."

I rolled my eyes as Burr Strode into Washington's tent like he owned the whole camp.

"Did you see that?" I asked John.

I was sitting on a log around one of the fires burning to keep us warm the night. John sat between my leg, relaxing as I ran my hands through his hair.

"Yeah, does he honestly think that General Washington is going to listen to his idiotic plans," John laughed.

I laughed harder hiding my face in John's shoulder. He turned and kissed my cheek, smiling brightly.

"Hamiltons!" one of our fellow soldiers shouted running towards us.

Our heads snapped in his direction. I groaned when I saw that It was Charles Lee.

"Yes?" I asked.

He completely ignored me and addressed Alexander.

"General Washington would like to see you and her." Lee said with a sneer.

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

John leapt to his feet, ready to defend me but I stood and put my hand on his shoulder

"Im sure the only reason you were requested is because of your body," Lee said, getting a bit too close, his eyes scanning me.

Anger blazed in my eyes. How dare he objectify me! How dare he think that I was useless in this fight.

I lashed out and gripped his arm forcing it behind his back. He let out a less than dignified yelp. I forced him to the ground and put more pressure on his arm.

"If you ever speak about me again, I will not hesitate to put a bullet hole in your brain." I hissed.

I released his arm and let him fall to the ground. I pushed my hair back from my face and spun to face my brother and friends, basking in their shocked expressions.

I placed a kiss on John's cheek before striding to Washington's tent.

"Coming Alexander?" I asked.

He sobered quickly and fell into step with me.

"Your excellency, you wanted to see us sir?" Alexander said once we stepped into the tent, clearly cutting off Burr.

"Hamiltons! Come in, have you met Burr?" Washington asked, smiling at us.

"Yes sir," I responded.

"We keep meeting," Burr and Alex said together, shaking hands.

"As I was saying, sir, I look forward to seeing your strategy play out" Burr said.

"Burr?" Washington said, turning to look at Burr.

"Sir?" Burr asked, nearing excitement.

"Close the door on your way out," Washington responded.

Burr rushed past us, crestfallen, yet shooting a glare at us.

"Have we done something wrong sir?" I asked.

What need would Washington have for calling us to see him.

"On the contrary, I called you here because our odds are beyond scary. Your reputation precedes you, but I have to laugh" Washington said, letting out a slight laugh.

"Sir?" Alex asked nervously.

"Hamiltons, how come no one can get you on their staff?" Washington asked us with a fond smile.

"Sir!" Alex exclaimed, sounding stunned.

Washington rounded his desk and came to stand in front of Alexander.

"Don't get me wrong, you're a young man, of great renown." Washington turned to me. "I know you stole British cannons when we were still downtown, Nathanael Greene and Henry Knox wanted to hire either one of you..."

Alex cut him off, shaking his head.

"To be their Secretary? I don't think so" Alex said with a curt laugh.

"I refuse to be belittled by a man who thinks i'm good for nothing more than being by his side." I said, jutting my chin out n defiance.

"Why're you upset?" Washington asked confused.

"I'm not," Alex said, clearly not convincing the general.

Washington turned his back to us, arms crossed behind his back.

"It's alright, you want to fight, you've got a hunger. I was just like you when I was younger. Head full of fantasies of dying' like a martyr?"

"Yes," Alex responded almost immediately.

"Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder." Washington said .

"Why're you telling us this?" I asked curiously.

"Ma'am, I'm being honest. I'm working with a third of what our Congress has promised. We are a powder keg about to explode, I need someone like you to lighten the load."

He allowed Alex and I a moment to think. I knew Washington would sign me on to just be a pretty face of the war, that he knew I was worth more than that. But to be completely honest, I had no idea what was going on in Alex's mind.


"I am not throwing away my shot!" Alex said passionately.

"Son, We are outgunned, and outmanned!"

I jumped at the opportunity to have my voice heard in planning.

"You need all the help you can get! We have some friends. Laurens, Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette, okay, what else?" I asked turning to Alex.

He sighed at my gleeful expression but contributed none the less.
"Outnumbered, outlined" Washington added.

"We'll need some spies on the inside, Some King's men who might let some things slide. I'll write to Congress, and tell 'em we need supplies" Alex said.

He turned to me, determination in his eyes.

"You rally the guys, master the element of surprise!"

I grinned brightly know I would do far more than that.

"We'll rise above our station, organize your information, 'till we rise to the occasion of our new nation. Sir!" I added.

Washington laughed and clapped us on our shoulders leading us out of his tent, a grin of victory on his lips.

"Rise up!" Someone called.

"Here comes the general!" A few Exclaimed

Our friends looked at us in confusion until Washington addressed the troops. He put an hand on each or our shoulders.

"And his right hand men!" He called.

The guys looked at us shocked as we returned to them. We did it. Alex would fulfill his promise to mother and I would be right along side him as always. We would rise up and help create our new nation, to help it be the best as possible.

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