Ch 39.) Mister Jefferson, Welcome home

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 I walked down the halls, trying desperately to ignore the faint whispers about me as I strode towards Washington's office. I opened the door unceremoniously and dropped into my chair, muttering irritably as the dress constricted my movement.

"Giovanna?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I sent him a look.

"Sir?" I shot back.

"Ask, my lovely sister, sir," I said with a groan, reaching up to remove the earrings and placed them on my desk.

"Well, it is quite a radical change," Washington said with a teasing smile.

"With all do respect sir, I feel ridiculous. She believes that I should be putting myself out there. I think it's all unnecessary attention." I said, slouching in my chair.

"Gia, you know I think of You and Alexander as my children, but does this have anything to do with Thomas Jefferson? I recall Mrs.Hamilton having a fondness for him," Washington smirked.

"What! No-"

"Wow, G. Angelica must really want to have you make an impression on Jefferson," Alexander said walking into the office.

"I knew it!" Washington laughed.

"You're all working against me!" I groaned and turned beet red, trying to hide myself in my arms.

I just wanted to go home and not meet Thomas Jefferson, but before I could excuse myself, the man of the hour strods in,not even bothering to knock. Rude. James Madison by his side, who sent me a confused look when he saw what I was wearing. I shot him a look meanign 'Don't ask'. Washington crossed around his desk, but before he could reach the man Alexander cut in. As always.

"Mister Jefferson! Alexander Hamilton," Alex said extending his hand, Jefferson took it with a look of disdain crossing his face.

A scowl immediately set on my lips. Alex was just enthusiastic, no need to be a dick. James sent me an apologetic look for his friends behavior, before turning to cough into his handkerchief.

"Mister Jefferson Welcome home sir," Washington laughed, shaking the man's hand enthusiastically.

"So what did I miss!" Jefferson exclaimed, smiling at Washington.

He glanced at me over Washington's shoulder.

"And who's this?" He asked sending me a flirtatious smile.

"Ah! Giovanna!" Washington exclaimed, raising his arms and motioning for me to come forward.

I started mumbling under my breath and walked over to the men, hands sliding over the fabric of the monstrosity I was forced into, trying to straighten it. Alex slid his hand into one of mine and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"Giovanna Hamilton," I introduced as politely as possible, trying to look anywhere but Jefferson.

"Your wife?" Jefferson asked Alexander, shooting him a look that I couldn't quite decipher.

"I am perfectly capable of answering questions pertaining to me sir, and no I am not, I'm his sister," I snapped before Alex could open his mouth.

"Anyways, Giovanna is a beautiful name" Jefferson commented, kissing my hand.

I felt my breath hitch but shook the feeling away, quickly retracting my hand. There was something eerily familiar about this man. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"A pleasure i'm sure," I responded, almost robotically.

Washington sent me a look that "read play nice". I sent him a look back that blatantly read "how?"

"Well, it's not everyday I'm introduced to one of the loveliest ladies in New York," He said

I coughed a bit trying to hide a scoff.

"Well thank you sir, Anyways. Gentlemen, I do believe that we have a cabinet meeting to prepare for, If you will excuse my brother and I," I said trying to tug Alex out of the room and it succeeded till we nearly crossed the threshold.

"Giovanna, I need to speak with you. Secretary Hamilton, Secretary Jefferson. You're both dismissed." Washington called.

I hung my head and walked back into the room. As soon as the door closed, Washington faced me crossing his arms.

"Wanna talk to me about what that was young lady," Washington scolded.

"Sir, he blatantly was disgusted by Alexander simply being enthusiastic! How could I possibly be polite to someone who treats my brother that way." I said.

Washington sighed and came to stand behind me, he began pulling the pins from my hair, allowing the curly mess to run free. He turned to grab a comb from my desk and began to run it through my hair. I relaxed into the attention the man I viewed as a father gave to calm me.

"Gia. Oh my dear Giovanna. I know your temper is less than fair, but, try to play nice with the man."

"Father! He treated me as all others have come to learn not to! I am not a maiden in need to defending or rescuing! I despise being objectified" I defended myself.

"And he will come to learn of your fiery temper, but for now...Try to be welcoming," He begged, spinning me around to look at him.

I sighed and looked at the ground.

"I can't make any promises when it comes to tonight sir, It feels as if he is going to all out attack Alexander and I will defend my brother and our plan," I said.

"I wouldn't expect any less, just try to to be too drastic,"

I hugged him with a smile.

"I'll try sir," I said softly as he hugged me back equally as tight.

He patted my cheek fondly.

"You're dismissed dear,"

"See you at the meeting dad," I beamed rushing off to find Alexander.

A/N; This is the outfit Angelica picked out for Gia!

A/N; This is the outfit Angelica picked out for Gia!

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