Ch 57. The Reynolds Pamphlet

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"Gia, have you read this?" I heard Hercules call as he entered my apartment.
"Herc! I was just about to drop Adrienne off! Read what?" I asked, buttoning my daughter's coat.
"Alexander Hamilton had a torrid affair and he wrote it down right there" Hercules said disgusted as he handed me the twin pamphlets
"Hercules that is ridiculous! Alexander would never cheat on Angelica especially after what happened with Thomas," I said, flipping open the pamphlet and began reading, my heart breaking with each word.
'The charge against me Is a connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of Improper speculation. My real crime is an Amorous connection with his wife For a considerable time With his knowing consent I had frequent meetings with her Most of them at my own house.'
"At his own house!" I whispered outraged.
'Mrs. Hamilton with our children being absent On a visit to her father.'
I crumpled the pamphlet and squeezed my eyes closed. I felt sick
"Well, I suppose my visit for Angelica's birthday won't be a happy one. Hercules, I might need you to watch Adrienne for a bit longer than I originally planned. I believe Thomas will be around to collect her after work.." I said, wiping my hands on my dress.
"Give him hell Gia, for me and Laff...and John,"
I kissed his cheek and hugged my daughter tightly before she ran out with Uncle Herc, giggling and squealing the whole way.
I saddled up Geisha and sped as fast as I could to the Hamilton estate.
Philip pulled me into a hug as soon as I dismounted. He held my hand clinging tightly to my side as we entered the house.
"Where is your mother?" I asked gently.
"Her bedroom. She locked herself in,"
"How is she?" I asked.
"...Same as you were. Only she kept hitting pop.
"I'm surprised my brother has the balls to be here," I murmured, watching him descend the stairs to greet me.
I surveyed him with a blank face, his eyes sad, one of them black and blue. I felt a sense of pride swell in my chest at Angelica's actions.
"I came as soon as I heard," I said coldly.
"Gia! Thank god someone who understands what I'm struggling here to do!" Alexander cried, rushing down the steps and moved to pull me into a hug.
"I'm not here for you," I spat, stepping back from him, fire in my eyes.
He shrunk back in fear.
I turned to Phillip and kissed his cheek,
"Run along love. Everything will be ok," I whispered to him.
He nodded and reluctantly left my side to go look after his sister.
"Gigi I-"
"How could you Alexander James Hamilton! After all I went through with Thomas! What our MOTHER went through!" I hissed
"I'm sorry!" he cried,
"SORRY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Had I ever thought you capable of doing something like this I NEVER would have pushed my friend and sister into your arms," I growled, pushing him to the ground, striding past him.
"Giovanna please! I Need my big sister to help me!" He sobbed, grabbing onto the bottom of my dress as he cried into it.
"NO! You are a grown man who fucked up. Congratulations. You have invented a new kind of stupid, A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid. An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid, 'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid." I snarled, advancing as he backed away, "Let's review. You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you! I begged you to take a break . You refused to! So scared of what your enemies might do to you You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! You know why Thomas can do what he wants? He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yeah, congratulations! You've redefined your legacy. Congratulations," I shouted, my body shaking with rage, tears falling from my eyes.
"You know I see Angelica as my sister! I know my sister like I know my own mind You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine' So I stood by...Do you know why?" I hissed. "Angel Is the best thing in our life So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife! Congratulations For the rest of your life, Every sacrifice you make is for my sister! Give her the best life! Congratulations... Put what we are aside! I'm standing at her side, you could never be satisfied! GOD I HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED!" I snarled, ripping the fabric of my dress from his clutches
"You are my brother Alexander, but I suggest you sleep in your study and do not come near either of us until we come to you, at this moment Alexander Hamilton, you are more repulsive to me than ever."

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