Ch 36.) Reunion

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I heard the piano from the driveway, I dropped my bags and ran up the steps knocking briskly on the door.

The piano stopped and i heard the clicking of heels and a very tired Angelica opened the door, sadness written on her face.

"Angelica!" I cried.

"Oh my god, Giovanna!" She cried loudly, tossing her arms around me, nearly tackling me to the ground.

"I've missed you so!" She said, trying to hold back tears. "I'm sorry it has to be under these circumstances,"

I gave her a small smile and pet her hair.

"Well, I'm home now. Regardless of the circumstances. How is he, how was the funeral?" I asked.

"Hard, extremely. Mulligan was there's by ALexander's side the entire time. Thank god for him," She sighed.

"Mommy?" A small voice asked.

Angelica whirled around and ushered the boy forwards.

"Philip, meet your aunt Giovanna," She smiled, brightly.

"Hey buddy, I'm Gigi, your daddy's sister," I smiled kneeling down.

I was taken back by his sudden hug but was quick to squeeze back.

"Daddy told me lotsa stories about you!" He said excitedly.

"Buddy can you do me a favor?" I asked.

He nodded excitedly.

"I want you to go get your daddy, but don't tell him it's me," I smiled mischievously.

His grin got wider and he raced up the stairs to Alexander's office.

"Wanna walk the gardens?" Angelica asked.

I laughed for the first time in many days.

"Of course my dear sister," I said linking arms with her.

"So? France?" She asked.

"Oh Angel. It was amazing...I even met someone." I blushed thinking back to Thomas glittering eyes.

"Oh! That minister, what was his name Thomas?" She asked excitedly.

I smiled and looked down at the ground, a blush forming.

"Oh! Shes blushing!" She teased.

"Angelica!" I heard Alex call.

My heart sped up and my eyes lit up.

"In the garden Dearest," Angelica called playfully.

"Who is visiting my love?" He asked.

I released Angelica's arm and spun around dramatically.

"Giovanna?" He asked, choking up, His eyes widened in hope.

"Alexander!" I breathed

"The Hamilton siblings" Angelica chimed in.

"Hi," I beamed.

He rushed over and swept me into his arms and spun me around.

"Why did you tell me you were coming home?" He demanded.

"I wanted to be a pleasant surprise!" I choked out

"I'm so happy you're home," He said burying his head in my hair.

I pulled back and peppered kisses over his face.

He blushed and pulled away from me.

"Stop it," He muttered

"Never!" I teased pulling him back into a hug.

I felt his tears fall onto my shoulder.

"Oh Alexander,"

"He's gone Gigi, I can't believe...I have so much work to do," He murmured.

"It's ok Alex. I'm here now, It'll be ok." I promised. "We have work to do. Im home. You don't have to do this alone. Angelica and I will be here every step of the way."

"I've missed you so much Gigi," he said, pulling back to study my face.

I smiled softly and combed his hair back with my fingers.

"My dearest Alexander," I smiled.

"My sweet sister," He laughed.

I was finally home and a bit more at peace, but heart was still mending, if it was from John's death or leaving Thomas, my brain hadnt quite decided yet.

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