Ch 29.) Idk what to call this chapter kind of a filler lol

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Lafayette grinned and motioned for me to come forward. I blushed and moved my eyes from the man before me.

"Giovanna sir, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said forcing myself to give a proper curtsy.

"Enchante," Thomas smirked kissing my hand.

I blushed and stood straight, trying to excrete as much confidence as possible.

"I apologise sir, but I did not come for simple flirtation. Were here on strict business," I said.

"You are very bold," The minister replied.

"Pardon Mon Bordon, She isn't used to the social standards here," Lafayette explained.

"Why is that? I thought most women in this country were brought up with a high sense of propriety."

"Ok. I'm done with you speaking as if I am not here Sir. I was not born here. I am from America. I Was a Captain under Lafayette in the war against Britain. I have killed and fought to defend my right to speak to you here. I have more than earned the right to speak out of turn," I sneered.

The Minister smiled and let out a laugh. A deep chuckle that vibrated his chest.

"Ms.Giovanna. I am sorry for my disrespect. I am simply not used to. .. someone like you, " he said with an amused smile.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and settled for a smirk.

"Now, I suggest we get to business," Thomas smiled, sitting back down at his desk.

For the next few hours we formulated ideas on how to help France gain their independance. How we would settle America's debt with the king for providing help gaining our independence.

I stifled a yawn with the back of my hand and shook my head trying to clear the sleep from my eyes and brain.

"Are you quite alright Ms.Giovanna?" Thomas asked.

"Quite, i just haven't had a snack yet today, I'm afraid my blood sugar is running a but low," I said with an apologetic, sleepy smile.

Lafayette glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

"it is getting late. Adrienne will be wondering where we are." Lafayette said placing a hand on the small of my back.

Thomas stood and stretched, his button down riding up slightly. I blushed a deep scarlet and looked away before I could full out stare.

"I suppose you're correct Marquis. Shall I see the both of you tomorrow?" Thomas questioned.

"would you like to come to my home? Adrienne wanted to keep mom bordon, but I know she would hate to miss out on a political discussion. " Lafayette smiled pulling me into a side hug and kissed my temple.

"you know me far too well laff," I cooed sickenly sweet.

Thomas smiled at its and reached out to shake Laffs hand.

"it would be my pleasure to join you at your home,"

Thomas reached over and gripped my hand kissing it, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Until Tomorrow Madame Giovanna,"

"Have a pleasant evening monsieur Thomas"

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