Ch 18.) Fastforeward

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We were stationed not far from the city, so everyday I rode to take Angelica a letter Alexander had written her. Every time I brandished it she would blush and snatch it out of my hands.

"We should form a Harem, I mean, if you really loved me you would share him" Eliza teased.

"HA!" Angelica snorted.

I smacked her arm lightly, but couldn't keep the laughter from bubbling up. Peggy was jumping trying to read the letter over Angelica's shoulder.

"I wanna see!" She whined.

"Nope!" Angelica blushed handing the letter to me so I could put it in her trunk and lock it.

Angelica quickly wrote her reply and hugged me tightly before I was off again.


Two weeks...That's how long it took Alex to work up the nerve to talk to Mr. Schuyler. I gripped his hand as he knocked on the door.

"Mr. Hamilton. Giovanna!" Mr.Schuyler said with a fond smile.

"Sir," I smiled.

"Sir, I would like to have a moment with you," Alexander requested, with a nervous smile.

"Of course my boy,"

I raced upstairs and gathered the girls and we gathered in the living room. Angelica had a nervous, hopeful look on her face. She gripped my hand tightly as Alexander asked for Angelica's hand.

"Sir, even though i've only known your daughter a short time, i can not think of being without her. Every time I get a letter from her it makes me realize what I want while i fight for this country. I want a safe home for my sister and for your daughter because I have fallen in love with her. And if it would be quite alright with you sir, I wish to have your daughter's hand in marriage," Alex said.

I had to suppress a giggle. He was nervous rambling again. I was nervous as well, Mr/Schuyler was stone faced all throughout Alex's ramble. I looked at Angelica who had tears forming.

"Hey," I whispered.

"What if he says no Gia," Angelina asked, turning to me.

"You're father knows that you're are completely in love with him. You'll be fine yeah?" I whispered, kissing her cheek.

We watched in silent fear as Mr.Schuyler strode towards Alexander and shook his hand.

"Stay true," Is all he said.

"Thank you so much sir," Alex breathed, a huge smile on his face.

We all squealed and hugged Angelica tightly and I ran over to Alex, leaving Angelica to celebrate with her sisters. Alex and I did this weird little hip roll thing, blushing as Mr.Schuyler came over with some champagne. We hugged each other tightly. Alex went through hugging each sister and we laughed loudly as Angelica high-fived her siblings. Angelica came over and Alex immediately took her hands in his.

"Angel. I don't have a dollar to my name, an acre of land a top to command, a dollop of fame. All I have my honor, a tolerance, for pain, a couple of college credits and my top notch brain. You're family brings out a different side of me. Peggy confides in me, Eliza tried to take a bite of me. No stress, my love for you is never in doubt we'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out. As long as i'm alive Angelica, swear to god you'll never feel so-" Angelica cut him off with a kiss.

"Yes, you idiot. Now quit rambling before you say something stupid." She laughed, a tear falling down her cheek.

Alex laughed and looked over at me. I beamed and congratulated them both.


It was so cute. They got married in this cute little church on the outskirts of town. I was doing the finishing touches on Angelica's hair and smiled as she took a shaky breath.

"Nervous?" I asked, smiling.

"A little." She smiled.

"He isn't going to run away," I teased.

"I know but...I'm getting married!" She laughed in realization.

"Yeah, now go get your man," I smiled.

"That boy is mine," She whispered to herself.

She turned to me.

"All because of you,"

The march started and I gave Angelica a kiss and proceeded to meet John at the doors.

"You look beautiful," John whispered.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I teased.

Eliza and I shared maid of honor, John being Alex's best man. I walked down with John. Eliza with General Washington. Peggy with Lafayette. And for some odd reason Hercules demanded that he be the flower girl. He was all smiled and threw handfuls of flowers at us all. It was the perfect break in romantic tension. Mr. Schuyler kissed his daughter before handing her over to Alexander. The vows were short and sweet. A kiss shared between the two and a reception that wasn't forgetful. Regardless of the cute romantic night. We still had a war to fight and win. I headed out two days later. As soon as Angelica settled into her new home in Harlem, Alex joined us, Bringing Angelica's letter wishing us a safe an quick trip home. Telling us she would kill us if we did not return.

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