Ch 33.) The Date

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I tried my hardest but sleep eluded me all night long. I tossed and turned trying to seek dreams in the mountain of pillows. The sun came streaming in through my windows. I sat up and subbed my eyes trying to clear the blurriness from them.

There's was a knock at my door and I let out a sleepy, yawn muffled 'come in' before Lafayette opened the door, a brilliant smile on his lips.

He pounced on my bed and ontop of me before snuggling under the blankets with me pulling me close. I smiled and snuggled into the familiarity. Snuggling with Lafayette was like snuggling with Alexander. It felt safe and warm. Like home.

"So Mon Bourdon you have a date tonight with Thomas," Laff said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes tried to hide my blush in his chest.

"Come on Laff, it's nothing." I muttered.

"Nothing? Gia, you are voluntarily going on a date and I haven't heard you wake up in the middle of the night calling out Laurens' name. I think you might be beginning to move on."

"Laff...I am unfortunately still very much in love with John. There's just been so much on my mind. The baby, Me being his godmother, Thomas....I don't understand what i'm feeling for that man." I sighed.

Laff began to run his hand through my hair.

"I'm so frightened. He seems sensible and simple, bold and natural. But i also feel giddy and happy." I sighed.

"l'amour Mon petit Bourdon." He smiled kissing my forehead.

"I'm not in love." I grumbled shoving him away from me.

He laughed and kissed my hair once more.

"We'll see after tonight. Thomas can be quite...Persuasive.

I threw a pillow at his retreating form and began to get ready for the day. I spent most of the day composing letters to My brother, Hercules, and Washington. By the time i had finished it was dark outside and Thomas would be here at any moment.

I rushed getting ready throwing on . I was finishing my hair when Adrienne burst into my bedroom, her cheeks flushed, breathing heavily, a bright smile on her graceful face.

"He's here!" She gushed.

"Adrienne you're more excited than I am about this right now," I laughed at my friend.

I brushed past her and gracefully made my down the steps, thankful i decided to wear my riding boots instead of heels, so I wouldn't trip and look ridiculous.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat pulling Thomas and Lafayette from their conversation. Their stare held aw and I blushed bright red, moving my hair to cover my embarrassed eyes.

"Mon Bourdon, you look beautiful. I haven't seen you in something like this since the winters ball." Laff smiled kissing my cheek.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me, going to meet Thomas.

"Thomas," I said with a slight curtsy.

"Don't bother with that Ms. Hamilton. I know how you despise propriety," He laughed, kissing my hand gently.

I smiled, feeling the tension leave my shoulders.

"Shall we?" Thomas asked, offering me his arm.

I nodded and kissed Lafayette cheek, before taking his arm. I took a moment to pet the horse before getting into the carriage.

"So, I changed my mind about the dinner." Thomas started.

I looked at him, confusion on my face, worry filling my eyes. Had I done something to offend him. I knew I wasn't as lady like as most women but I was trying my hardest.

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