Ch 38.) Thomas Jefferson? Ha!

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I have been back in the states for almost a year now and the letters from Thomas had stopped coming around the time that Alexander had gotten the position as Treasury secretary. The last letter I had gotten was that he was coming back to the states since he had finished helping Lafayette writing a declaration of Independence. And from Lafayette's Letters, He had returned safely. So why did the letters stop? My heart broke at the thought of him finding some new girl as soon as he had gotten home and left me high and dry. I was broken out of my reprieve when Angelica burst into my room.

"Gia! Did you hear the good news! Thomas Jefferson is coming back to work with you!" Angelica swooned

I rolled my eyes.

"I've heard. I just don't understand why everyone is making such a big fuss about him. Even Washington joined the hype." I complained

"We'll... I also heard he's single." She winked dramatically.

I couldn't contain the laughter.

"Really Angelica! I haven't even met the man and you act as if you're hearing wedding bells!" I said between giggles.

"Come on Gigi. You're twenty seven, you know how I am about this gender inequality but don't you want someone to be happy with? To have a family with?"

John's eyes flashed behind my vision once again. Nearly Two later(I Know it was longer but, fiction is fiction :)) and I couldn't get him out of my head...or heart. Even worse my thoughts strayed to the wonderful man I had met while in Paris. I felt as if moving on would betray him, even though he had probably found someone new.

"Oh Gi. I know you loved him, but he'd want you to be happy." Alexander said.

"I know Alex. But you got your girl." I whispered.

Alex pulled me in tight and kissed my cheeks.

The only one who knew about Tom was Angelica. Somehow she always knew and forced me to speak of him. She knew how tore up I was about not receiving any letters from him

"So Jefferson?" I asked forcing a laugh

"God no! We don't even know him yet!" Alex said.

"Well you will tomorrow morning and I demand all the details! Possibly an introduction!" Angelica exclaimed.

"Of course Angie." I said with a dramatic eye roll

Why she idolised the man I would never know.

"Oh! And I have the perfect thing for you to wear!" She shouted jumping up and pulling me upstairs with her.

"Alexander! Your wife is insane, save me!" I shouted.

"I'm afraid my dearest sister, when she is on a path, not even I can deter her!" Alex called laughing.

"Angelica, please!" I begged as she tossed a dress in my direction.

"Just try it on! You'll love it,"

"Alright, no promises though," I groaned taking the dress back to my room and dreaded tomorrow.

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