Ch 4.) The Story of Goodnight

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   "So Ms.Hamilton, tell us a bit about yourself," Hercules said turning to me.

"Me? Oh i'm nothing special sir, Alexander is the one with all the talent," I said ruffling his hair.

"Gigi, stop it," he muttered under his breath, fixing his pony tail.

"Gigi," Laurens giggled.

"Oh hush, how would you feel if I Called you Johnny," I teased.

A flush covered his cheeks and he looked down at his beer

"Sorry, it's cute that's all," He murmured.

"It's alright Mr.Laurens." I said waving my hand, trying to keep from blushing.

"I'd actually prefer it if you guys would call me Gia or Giovanna. Ms.Hamilton makes me feel kinda old," I said.

"Well, I prefer Giovanna. It is a beautiful name," Lafayette said.

"Well I thank you Monsieur," I blushed.

"Alright guys, stop flirting with my sister." Alexander pouted.

"Oh Alex, let them have their fun, It doesn't mean anything" I said, taking a sip of my drink.

"So, tell us about you Gia," Laurens insisted.

"There's not much to tell, my life is pretty much what Alex told you about his."

"So you two have never been apart?" Mulligan asked.

"Never. Not now, not ever," Alex said firmly.

"He's right, I love my brother more than anything in this life," I responded. "Even if he goes to fight, I will be right beside him." I said.

"Really?" Laurens asked, clearly shocked that a woman would want to join in the blood shed.

"I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight," I said proudly.

"Ya got that right," Hercules said tipping his glass.

"And when our children tell our story, they'll tell the story of tonight," Alex agreed.

"Let's have another round tonight!" Hercules said, and we all agreed.

Laurens threw an arm around my shoulder and smiled at me, like we were all life long friends.

"Raise a glass to freedom, something the can never take away. No matter what they tell you. Raise a glass to the five of us! Tomorrow there'll be more of us!" Laurens said excitedly.

"Telling the story of tonight," We all chorused.

I giggled and leaned into Laurens.

"Well gentlemen, it has been a wonderful evening, but i'm afraid this woman needs her beauty sleep," I said standing up.

"Oh no Mon Cherie! You are the most beautiful, you need it not!" Lafayette argued.

I kissed his cheek in thanks.

"None the less, I need to get some sleep. Alexander?"

"I can walk you home Gia," Laurens offered.

"Oh, thank you Mister Laur-"

"John," He cut me off.

"Thank you John, I appreciate it,"

"Thank you Laurens for seeing my sister home safely," Alex thanked.

"Don't be too late Alexander!" I warned.

"I won't be Gigi, get home safe. I'll check in when I get home," He promised, hugging me tight.

"You better," I mummered.

I took John's offered arm and he walked me the few blocks to my cheap apartment.

"You act as if you are Alex's mother?" John said with an air of questioning.

"Our mother died when I was fourteen. I promised to always look after him. He's my everything" I said.

"Well, He is brilliant," John said.

"I know, i'm very proud, what about you John, you're quite brilliant yourself," I said.

"Oh, I grew up in South Carolina. I joined the revolution to get away from my father." John said.

I could tell it was a touchy subject, so I let it be. We paused outside of my apartment and I released his arm .

"Well, I deeply thank you for walking me home," I said softly.

There was something about this man that made my heart clench in my chest and a blush rise to my cheeks.

"It was my pleasure Giovanna Hamilton," He whispered.

He grasped my hand gently and kissed it with a softness i'd never known a man to possess.

"Goodnight," I said walking up the steps.

"Sleep well,"

I sent him a shy smile before closing the door.  

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