Ch 11.) My Best Friend Giovanna,

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My best friend Giovanna,

                  I am so proud of you! I can not believe that Washington himself has taken you in as a daughter. I will try to send you a warm coat for the upcoming blizzards, perhaps a pair of boots as well. I also do not doubt you put those barbarians in their places. You have always been the strongest woman I know.

                    I would very much like to join you on a trip to see Mrs. Washington. A trip out of New York sounds very pleasant. As for Alexander. I long to meet your infamous brother. He seems witty enough to keep up with even I.

                      John Laurens....That very attractive man we pulled you away from in the square the day we met? Oh MY goodness! I can not believe he kissed you! I saw this coming. Especially the way you both looked at each other. And Giovanna, you surely are a sap. His smile makes me feel as if being bathed in sunlight. How incredibly corny! You should just tell him how you feel, he obviously feels the same as you! Strike before you lose out.

                          Washington trying to keep you from fighting is like trying to keep a tiger caged. You not fighting alongside the people you love, just seems disastrous for anyone involved in keeping you sidelined.

                             Things back here at the manor are quite boring. Father missed your visits. He says that there is less light since we are all worried for your safety. Even as he defends things here uptown, he fears the British might be planning. I don't for we haven't had any reason to rouse suspicion for helping you rebels. There is no man in my life, I need someone who can keep up with me, intellectually. Peggy misses you dearly, she wishes for you to be home everyday. I have no doubt in my mind that when you return home for good it will be in a free nation.

                              Winter Ball to General Washington. Father thinks it will be beneficial to the troops to have a night of fun through the bloodshed. I wish to see you soon (Hopefully at the ball!)

                             Forever your friend,

                                                                      Angelica Catherine Schuyler

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