Ch 55.) Cabinet battle #2

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I stood beside Alexander at the second cabinet meeting. Facing Thomas for the first time since I left. I did allow him to see Adrienne, but Hercules always arranged the meetings and dropped her off.
I stood straight and tall, my shoulders squared and eyes hard.
"You sure you can do this?" Alexander asked me quietly.
"Of course. I was a lawyer remember. He spilled blood in the water so i'm here to collect," I said stiffly.
He laced our hands and squeezed gently in comfort.
"Let me know if you need to step out," He said.
I smiled lightly. "I've got this,"
"The issue on the table!" Washington called, gaining all our attention. "France is on the verge of war with England, and do we provide aid and our troops to our French allies or do we stay out of it? Remember, my decision on this matter is not subject to congressional approval.
The only person you have to convince is me. Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir" Washington said.
Thomas stepped forward the old arrogant and cocky swagger back in his walk.
"When we were on death's door. When we were needy, We made a promise We signed a treaty. We need money and guns and half a chance. Uh, who provided those funds?" Thomas asked.
"France" Madison said, leaning over his friends shoulder.
"In return, they didn't ask for land, Only a promise that we'd lend a hand And stand with them If they fought against oppressors. And revolution is messy, But now is the time to stand!
Stand with our brothers, As they fight against tyranny. I know that Alexander Hamilton is here and he Would rather not have this debate; I'll remind you that he is not Secretary of State!" Thomas snapped.
I grasped Alexanders hand when He moved to step towards Thomas and shook my head at him. This was not the time to be hot headed.
"He knows nothing of loyalty. Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty Desperate to rise above his station, Everything he does betrays the ideals of our nation. Hey, and if you don't know, now you know, Mr. President."
I snarled and moved to step towards my husband pure fury in my eyes at his cocky demeanor.
"Gia," Washington said lowly, in warning.
I looked over at him, anger still in my eyes. The president gave me a stern look and nodded to my chair.
I huffed and crossed my arms, flopping in my chair like a child.
"Thank you, Secretary Jefferson. Secretary Hamilton, your response?" Washington asked, looking over at my brother.
"You must be out of your goddamn mind!" My brother exploded and I grinned at his passion
. "If you think The President is going to bring the nation to the brink Of meddling in the middle of a military mess, A game of chess, Where France is Queen and King-less. We signed a treaty with a King whose head is now in a basket, Would you like to take it out and ask it? Should we honor our treaty, King Louis's head? "Uh, do whatever you want I'm super dead!" I giggled softly, covering my mouth when Washington and Thomas glared at me, a smile still on my lips.
The senate erupted in arguments about who was right as the president debated his options.
"Enough enough, Hamilton is right." Washington eventually called.
"Mr. President!" Thomas protested, his face slack in disbelief.
"We're too fragile to start another fight." Washington stressed
"But sir, do we not fight for freedom?" Thomas asked.
"Sure, when the French figure out who's gonna lead 'em." Washington said.
I knew the decision hurt him as much as any of us.
"The people are leading!" Thomas defended.
"The people are rioting! There's a difference! Frankly it's a little disquieting you would let your ideals blind you to reality!" Washington said in disappointment. "Giovanna?" Washington called
"Sir?" I questioned.
"Draft the statement of neutrality"
And with the finality of his words Washington swept out of the room. Leaving the rest of us to pack our things.
"Did you forget Lafayette?" Thomas asked us his eyes hardened.
"How dare you," I hissed, coming to stand up to him.
"Have you an ounce of regret? You accumulate debt, you accumulate power. Yet in their hour of need, you forget." Thomas said to Alexander, completely ignoring me.
"Lafayette's a smart man, he'll be fine." Alexander said, pulling me back to his side.
"And before he was your friend, he was mine." I muttered disdainfully under my breath.
"If we try to fight in every revolution in the world, We never stop. Where do we draw the line?" Alexander said, trying to get the other to see his point of view.
"So quick witted." Thomas drawled.
"Alas, I admit it." Alexander shrugged, turning around to put his papers in his bag.
"I bet you were quite a lawyer." Thomas sneered.
"My defendants got acquitted" Alexander snipped.
"Yeah, well someone ought to remind both of you," Thomas started.
"What," I snarled, challenging him.
"You're nothing without Washington behind you." Thomas sneered.
Alexander moved forward his hands clenched into fists, but I beat him to it and my hand lashed out, connecting with his cheek, the smack reverberating in the nearly empty room.
"HAMILTON" Washington called.
"Daddy's calling," Thomas teased with a smirk.
Alexander reluctantly stalked towards the president, leaving me alone with Thomas.
"You utter bastard Thomas Jefferson," I hissed, tears filling my eyes.
He looked at me in regret.
"Giovanna I-"
"Do not! I could ruin you. Spread everything you have done to me and where would that leave you! As hated as you try to make Alexander seem. But I don't do that because despite everything you have just said and have done. I regretfully love you. I suggest you watch your watch your tone the next time we meet, or it WILL be the last time we speak, and see your daughter," I snarled whipping around on my heel and storming out the double doors and followed my brother to his office, I had a statement to draft.

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