Ch 45.) Monticello

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  I woke on a couch, a pounding in my head. I lifted my hand to rub my forehead and felt a few stitches in my skin. I groaned and flopped back down, my bleary eyes taking my surroundings trying to adjust. Where the hell was I?
"Oh! Wonderful! You are awake! We were beginning to worry Ms. Hamilton," A woman beamed, as she came in with a silver tray filled with tea and some fixings.
"Not do be rude Ma'am. I sincerely thank you for saving my life, but...Where am I. My...Mother will be worried to death."
"Oh no need to worry. We already sent someone to Mrs.Washington, to tell her that you will be returning when you are in proper heath and that she is free to check on you whenever she wishes," The woman smiled.
Ok now I was extremely freaked.
"Oh! You're probably wondering how I know all of this!" She giggled, sitting across from me. "My name is Dolly Madison! You're at Monticello," She explained, gesturing with her hand.
Madison's wife? Jefferson's Estate! For real! Could I not escape those men!
I groaned and cover my eyes with my arm.
"Well, I brought you some tea and biscuits, I'm afraid Thomas has been inconsolable since you arrived. He'll be pleased to know you're awake! Please eat something while I go get him dear,"
She was up and practically floated out of the room before I could protest.
I huffed and sat up, grabbing a biscuit, before attempting to stand. I stood on shaky legs and made my way over to the window and looked out at the vast land. A beautiful garden in my view.
"I see you're awake," I heard Thomas say.
I gasped in fright and spun around to face him. I felt my legs give out from under me and I would've crumpled to the ground if Thomas hadn't caught me.
"what ? You aren't going to call me Lafayette this time?" He teased, a small smile on his face, but I could still see the worry in his eyes.
I regained my barings and pushed away from. I wrapped my arms around myself and refused to look at him.
"I'm afraid Mister Jefferson, I have overstayed my welcome. Thank you for helping me." I said trying to move around him and to the door.
He gripped my wrist and stopped me in my tracks.
"Giovanna, please. You are not well enough to go back to Mount Vernon by yourself. Please just...Stay a few more days." He pleaded.
"I-I," I stuttered, scared of the look in his eyes.
The look that reminded me of the man I had loved in Paris. My world was spinning and before I knew it, Thomas had forced me to sit back down on the couch, sitting a bit too close for my comfort, but my cloudy head refused to acknowledge that.
"Giovanna...When I found you..."
"You found me?" I interrupted.
He smiled, shyly at his shoes.
"I was on my way to talk to Martha actually." He admitted with a shaky laugh. "It was uh...It was her Gravestone you landed on."
"We aren't even together and she wants me dead. I didn't sign up for ghosts," I joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
I looked over at Thomas and found him staring at me intensely.
"I missed that," He whispered, taking my hand.
"Jeffer-Thomas...I just don't think I could go back to what we had. You broke my heart." I said, looking down and shaking my hair into my eyes.
He took my face in one of hands.
'Please dont look away from me. Especially since I just got you to call me by my name. Gia...Gia I know I hurt you, but do not think for one second that I felt any different about you and that I didn't hurt myself. I can't give you any excuses anymore Giovanna. The only thing I can give you is endless apologize and myself if you'll have me," He said, his voice thick with emotion. "I am helplessly in love with you Giovanna Hamilton,"
I looked at him with wide eyes and a hammering heart.
"T-Thomas I...I love you too,"  

Could I be Enough? *Thomas Jefferson Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now