Ch 26.) After the war...

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"Angelica!" I cried racing up the steps.
"Giovanna!" She shouted, racing down to hug me.

I pulled away and put my hands on her stomach.

"Did you swallow a watermelon seed?" I teased, my hands resting on her stomach.

"Oh hush," She blushed.

"I'm so happy for you Angel. Best sister I could've asked for."
"Can I kiss my wife now?" Alexander asked.

"Ummm....No," I decided, whisking Angelica away to meet Lafayette.

Laff had come with us since he couldn't leave for a few more days. It was wonderful. He was a brightening presence.

"Madam Hamilton," Laff Greeted with sparkling eyes.

"Monsieur Lafayette," Angelica Curtsied.

She laughed and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you for keeping yourself and my family safe," She whispered.

"Merci, Angel," Lafayette smiled, kissing both of her cheeks.

Angelica quickly moved to Alexander's side, both of them basking in each others radiating smiles. Lafayette joined me as I walked inside, to give the couple their moment.

"Is something wrong Mon Petit Bourdon?" He asked.

I sat down and ran a hand through my hair, fluffing it a bit.

"Laff, You're married right?" I asked.

"Oui?" He said confused, sitting beside me.

I leaned against his shoulder and sighed.

"How do you stand to be apart from her?"

"I love Adrienne. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever beheld. And I know she will be waiting for my return anxiously and we will be even more in love. I am...How You say? A Hopeless romantic," He smiled down at me.

I smiled at him and then looked down at the ground.

"This marriage is new to both Alexander and Angelica. They're going to be having a child...I feel as if i'm in the way." I sighed.

"Mon Coeur...Come back to France with me," Lafayette offered suddenly.

I jolted upright and stared down my friend wide eyed.

"Come again? France? Lafayette I-"

"You can't leave!" Alex interrupted.

I looked nervously between my brother and friend.

"Alexander!" Angelic scolded, waddling up to stand beside him.

"No Angelica! I had a hard enough time when Washington forced me to come home! I can't do that again," Alexander said, his eyes wide and fear filled.

I stood an embraced my brother tightly. Pulling back to put my hand on hi cheek. I wiped away a tear.

"I can't be alone," he whispered.

"Alex. You aren't alone anymore. You have Angelica. You have a son on the way. They will never leave you," I promised. "Even if i'm an ocean away i'll always be with you."

I took his hand and put it into Angelica. He looked into her eyes and put a hand on her stomach. A laugh escaping his lips when the baby kicked against his palm.

"You have your right place to be. Maybe France will help me find mine," I said.

"You're right Gigi,"

I turned to Lafayette who had a large smile on his face.

"Mon Bourdon," He beamed.

"I guess I'm going to France with you,"

A/N; Petite Bourdon means little bumblebee and Mon Coeur means my heart.

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