Ch 52.) Angelica...Alexander

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I raised my hand and knocked on the door, gripping Adrienes hand gripped tightly in my own. Suitcases by our feet.
The door opened cautiously but was thrown open when Angelica's eyes met mine.
"Gia!" She breathed excitedly. A smile tugging at her lips.
"Angel!" I said, forcing a smile.
"Auntie Angel!" Adrienne Beamed reaching up, demanding to be picked up by her aunt
She gasped and picked my daughter up kissing all over her face, giggling at the way Adrienne Squealed and wiggled.
"Look at how big you are!" Angelica squealed.
"Im a big girl!" Adrienne said proudly.
"Angelica...Where is he?" I whispered.
"Where he always is," She said with a fond eye roll.
She searched my eyes with her own. I tried my hardest to mask the emotions threatening to bubble to the surface.
She set Adrienne on the ground and took my face in her hands.
"Oh my love...What did he do," She finally sighed.
"I need Alexander," I whispered.
"Adrienne, why don't you go play with Philip," Angelica said, pinching her niece's cheek.
She nodded, beaming brightly and ran off to find her favorite cousin, her wild curls flying behind her.
Angelica lead me upstairs to the study and pushed the door open.
"Alexander?" Angelica said.
"Yes darling," Alex said, not looking up from his paper.
"Alex," I whimpered.
His pen stopped scratching immediately and his eyes lit up, until they met my tear filled ones.
"Gigi," He whispered.
He shoved away from his desk and pulled me tightly to his chest. I gripped his jacket tightly and sobbed into his chest.
"He cheated on me," I whispered.
"What!" Angelica roared.
"Jefferson will pay for this," Alex swore.
I pulled back and looked at him wide eyed and frightened. This was exactly what I didn't want to happen.
"No Alexander. No! I..He's still Adrienne's father and I...I still love him. Heaven help me I love the bastard." I whispered.
"Do you know who?" Alex asked, combing his fingers through my hair,
"No It was some nameless woman I couldn't care less about knowing or looking at," I spat.
Angelica rubbed comforting circles on my back..
"I called him Mr. Jefferson, as if I was planning on leaving him and I...I can't leave Thomas, even if he hurt me. I love him so much, it hurts to breath without him, Alex! and I can't believe He would hurt me like this and My little Adrienne doesn't understand why daddy couldn't come with us," I rambled.
Angelica took me from Alexander and hugged me tightly.
"My dear Giovanna Hamilton-Jefferson. I love my sisters. You became one officially when I married Alexander. You do not deserve this pain, We will get through this...Together" Angelica promised.
I hugged Angelica tightly and thanked god for the wonderful family I had been blessed with. There were only two things I needed to face now. My ever growing heartache and the questionings of my dearest Adrienne.

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