Ch 19.) Stay Alive

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  The winter struck hard and fast. Alexander and I had taken over correspondence for the General. He was so despondent. I had never seen him want not want to take command. The merchants in town had denied us everything. They would only accept British money. Alex and I were huddled close together, my fingers numbing from the cold. We were from the Caribbean anything below seventy was freezing this was deathly cold to us. The general threw open the flaps to his tent and threw his hat on the ground.
"Sir?" I asked
"The cavalry isn't coming," The general spat, running his hands over his face.
"But, Sir!" Alex exclaimed.
"Alex, listen. There's only one way for us to win this. Provoke outrage, outright"
"Thats right," I responded.
Now I was nervous. What if we didn't make it. But I knew I had to have faith in my commander and my brother. They would get us through this.
"Don't engage, strike by night. Remain relentless 'till their troops take flight."
"Make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight," Alex agreed.
"Outrun, outlast. Hit em quick get out fast." Washington said, confidently.
Washington walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he smiled, a quick twitch of his lips.
"Stay alive till this horror show is past," he said, squeezing my shoulder. "We're gonna fly a lot of flags half mast." He said solemnly. "You're dismissed."
Alex and I left and met up with our friends. Lafayette pulled out a bottle of whiskey and we raised a toast.
"So, what's going through everyone's minds," I asked, leaning against Laf, a half empty glass in my hands.
"When this is over, I'll go back to New York and my apprenticeship," Hercules said.
"My little tailor," I teased
"I asked for French aid, I pray that France has sent a ship," Laf said, putting his arm around my shoulder, trying to keep me warm.
"What about you John dear," I called lolling my head to the side.
"Alex and I are writing essays against slavery," John said.
"Im sure they are brilliant," I complimented.
He smiled at me.
"Probably only because Alex helped," I laughed bringing him down.
"Aw, Gia!" he complained.
It was very little time that we got to spend together these days. We were constantly fighting. We cut supply lines, we stole contraband. We had to pick and choose our battles and places to take a stand. Every day Alex went and asked the General the same question. To trust him to be in command. Every day Washington gave him the same two letter answer. No. It was times with my friends that kept me fighting.
June rolled around ending the cold. fighting became harder and longer. The General needed help, but, Instead of Alex or I he promoted Charles Lee. He made that sexist, buffoon second in command. He really isn't someone I would have chosen...
"Attack men!" Washington yelled.
I stood vigil by his side, firing at the British troops and slicing through anyone who got too close.
"Retreat!" Lee shouted.
"Do not listen to him! Listen to your commander! Attack!" I shouted.
We watched in embarrassed Horror as Lee was knocked down by a redcoat and just laid there's in the mud.
"What are you doing Lee. Get back on your feet!" Washington barked.
"B-but there's so many of them!" Lee whimpered.
"I'm sorry is this not your speed." I hissed, hauling the man to his feet. "If a woman can fight this battle you better damn well try harder!" I snapped.
Suddenly I was pushed out of the way of a bayonet.I yelped as it grazed my shoulder. I pressed my hands to the wound, wincing when I pulled it away cover in my own blood
"Careful Giovanna!" Alex Whispered, ripping a bit of my shirt to help stop the bleeding.
"Hamilton!" Washington snapped.
"Ready sir!" Alex called, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"Have Lafayette take the lead," Washington growled, glaring dagger at Lee.
The glimmer of hope left Alex's eyes as he made his way to Lafayette. Thankfully with his skillful command, we won. The man was an Ares is battle, but the cost outweighed the victory. Thousands of our men died in the heat and fight. We left Charles Lee behind and he started spouting lies about our commander.
"Washington cannot be left alone to his devices. Indecisive, from crisis to crisis. The best thing he can do for the revolution, Is turn and' go back to planting' tobacco in Mount Vernon." He spat to one of our regimens.
I began to march towards him when a firm hand rested on my shoulder. I looked into the eyes of Washington and I shook my head, trying to get free and get to Lee
"Don't do a thing. History will prove him wrong." He warned,
"But, sir!" I protested.
"We have a war to fight, let's move along," He said with finality. "Go get your shoulder looked at Giovanna,"
"Yes sir," I responded, walking off to find Alex and John in a heated conversation.
"Strong words from Lee, someone oughta hold him to it," John snapped, anger bubbling off of him.
"I can't disobey direct orders," Alex said, running a hand through his hair.
"Then I'll do it." John said, his voice quiet but confident.
"John, don't." I begged.
He shot me and apologetic look.
"Alexander, you're the closest friend I've got," John said.
"Guys, please. Washington will be furious," I pleaded.
"I'm sorry Gia, I have to. He never said we couldn't be involved." Alex said.
He turned to John and pulled him in close, an embrace I was far to familiar with when he was worried about losing me.
"Laurens, do not throw away your shot."

A/N; Not my favorite chapter but ehh, not every one is gonna be great, so what can ya do :)

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