Ch 21.) Meet Him Inside

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"Lee, do you yield?" Alex called.

I my head snapped up and I let out a huge sigh of relief when I saw John standing straight and tall. Burr bent down by Lee's side, pressing a hand tight to his wound.

"You shot him in the side! Yes, he yields!" Burr snarled.

"Im Satisfied," John shrugged and smirked proudly.

I ran over and jumped at John, crushing him into a hug

"You did it!" I giggled excitedly

"We gotta clear the field!" Burr called urgently.

I laughed as Alex waved him off and pulled John into a hug.

"We won!" Alex beamed.

"Here comes the General," The troops began murmuring.

My nerves picked up again and I felt my pulse speed up as Washington stormed towards us.

"This should be fun," Burr smirked.

I sent him a glare and stood talley between my boys.

"What is the meaning of this!" Washington boomed. "Mr.Burr get a medic for the General," Washington commanded.

"Yes, sir." Burr said with an air of smugness that made me grind my teeth together.

"Lee, you will never agree with me/ But believe me, these young men and lady, don't speak for me. Thank you for your service," Washington said addressing Lee.

"Let's ride," Burr said.

Lee glared and allowed Burr to hoist him onto a horse. As soon as they faded from view, the general turned his attention to us. An angry flush covering his cheeks.

"Hamilton's!" He barked.

"Sir!" Alex said, trying to hide his smirk.

Washington's glare intensified.

"Meet me inside!" He growled, turning on his heel, his coat tails swishing behind him.

I hung my head and followed obediently.

"It'll be ok," John said to Alexander before my brother raced to join me.

I pushed open the flaps of The General's tent and stood with my hands clutched behind my back tightly. My breaths were shallow and quick. I refused to meet the angry gaze of the man I had begun to think of as a father. I couldn't take the disappointment I knew I would find in his eyes.

"Son-" Washington started when Alex entered.

"Don't call me son," Alex muttered.

I elbowed his side harshly. Washington ignored him and continued on

"This war is hard enough Without infighting," He scolded.

"Lee called you out. We called his bluff!" Alex defended.

"You solve nothing, you aggravate our allies to the south!" Washington snapped back, his voice rising.

"You're absolutely right, John should have shot him in the mouth, That would've shut him up" Alex grumbled.

"Son" Washington warned.

"I'm notcha son," Alex responded, his own voice rising.

"Watch your tone! am not a maiden in need of defending, I am grown!" Washington snarled.

Alex started to ramble on, overlapping The general.

"Charles Lee, Thomas Conway. These men take your name and they rake it
Through the mud," Alex fulminated.

"My name's been through a lot, I can take it!" Washington said exasperatedly.

Alexs face flushed brightly and he lashed out.

"Well, I don't have your name. I don't have your titles. I don't have your land. But, if you-" Alex bagan on the same tirade.

"No!" Washington stressed.

"If you gave me command of a battalion, a group of men to lead, I could fly above my station after the war,"

"Or you could die and we need you alive!" Washington said, his eyes filling with concerned.

"I'm more than willing to die,"

"Alex!" I whispered, my eyes widening nervously.

"Your wife needs you alive, Your sister needs you alive! Son, I need you alive," Washington said, his voice taking on a pleading tone.

"Call me son one more time!" Alex screamed, getting in Washington's space.

"Alexander James Hamilton!" I shouted.

Washington's chest heaved heavily, trying to keep his head. He lowered his gaze and shook his head.

"Go home, Alexander. Thats an order from your commander," He said lowly.

My eyes widened with fear. He couldn't send Alex home. I've never been without Alex and The General knew we were inseparable.

"S-sir?" Alex stuttered.

"Go home!" Washington commanded.

Alex gripped my hand and we began to exit the tent.

"Giovanna, you weren't dismissed," Washington said sternly.

"Sir?" I asked, gripping Alex's hand tighter.

"Home Alexander. Giovanna, here. Now," He commanded.

I lowered my head and hugged Alex tightly before going to face my commander. My heart feeling as if it would leap out of my chest at any moment.

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