Ch 8.) It's cold outside

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We had done it. Alex and I were officially part of the revolution. The only downside is that it was fucking cold! I sat shivering in my tent, Hercules diligently sewing some blankets across from me.

"Are you OK Giovanna?" He asked.

I nodded through chattering teeth. I had given Alex my extra blanket so he could be as warm and safe as possible. The coats Congress supplied us didn't do much, nor did the boots.

"I'm fine Herc, s'just cold." I said.

The tent flap opened and John, Lafayette, and Alex slipped in. I shivered more violently as a burst of wind slipped through the opening before the could close it.

"G! You're lips are blue!" Ale gasped rushing over beside me.

"M'Fine Alex!" I complained as he sat next to me.

"You're really not Giovanna," Hercules said tossing me the thing he had been sewing.

"Aw! Hercules! this is perfect. Thank you," I gasped wrapping the scarf securely around my neck and mouth.

"It's definitely not enough," John said with a smirk.

"What? Yes it is? I feel warm already." I said confused.

"No, I have to agree with Laurens. You still look very cold. What do you think Laff?" Alex asked, a matching smirk.

"I agree Mon Amie. The Belle, look very cold." Lafayette Smiled.

Before I could react the were all on top of me, crushing me underneath them.

"Ah! Guys, lemme go!" I giggled.

"Not until you admit you were freezing to death," Laurens exclaimed.

"Fine! I give, I give! I was freezing!" I laughed as Alex poked my rib cage.

The all clambered off of me and sat on my bunk.

"So, this sucks," I said trying to spark a conversation.

"As a kid in the Caribbean I wished for a war. I knew that I was poor. I knew it was the only way to Rise up!" Alex responded.

I nodded solemnly.

"If they tell my story, I am either gonna die on the battlefield in glory or Rise up!" I said. "Come on, it's sunny for now, let's go for a walk."

We kinda splint off when we emerged from the tent. John and I ended up going in one direction. Alex and Lafayette in another, while Hercules got caught in a conversation with Burr.

"Ya know, if it weren't for the battle raging around us, it would be very pretty here," I said.

"Yeah," John said quietly.

I leaned my back against a tree, looking up at the sky as some flakes negan to fall from the sunny sky. I took a deep breath and sighed, a soft smile on my lips. I looked back at John to find him staring at me, closer than before

"What?" I asked.

"You still look really cold," He said quietly.

"What?" I asked.

"You're lips are still blue," He said.

I just noticed the slight numbness of my lips.

"Oh," I whispered,

"Yeah," John said again.

Before I could ask why he was so concerned he swooped down and kissed me. I let out a startled noise and wrapped my arms around his neck. A tingling sensation in my lips made me shiver.

"John," I asked when we broke away.

"Giovanna," He whispered

"Hey," I said bursting into giggles.

"Hey," he laughed back. "So..."

"I'm afraid my dearest John Laurens, it seems you got me Helpless."  

Could I be Enough? *Thomas Jefferson Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now