CH 37.) Non-Stop!

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I stayed at Alexander and Angelica's side since I had returned to New York. I was with Alexander and I began to practice law with him and Burr who was angry at our success when we were chosen as New York Junior Delegates. It was there at the Constitutional convention when Alexander proposed our idea for a new form of government, where he ranted and raved for six hours. I beamed with pride when I had found out that Alexander had written 51 of the eighty five federalist papers defending the constitution we had helped create. During the process I had gained a close friend in James Madison.

I was home for around three months, of constant work with Alexander when we got a visit from Washington. I heard the clopping of horse hoofs on the cobblestone and I looked up from my copy of 'Common sense' and my face split into a bright smile as my father figure climbed regally out of the carriage. I abandoned my book on the steps and rushed him in a flurry of happiness. He hugged me tightly and we both laughed. He pulled away and studied my face before hugging me again.

"Giovanna," He sighed.

"Dad," I teased.

If it was possible, his smile was even wider.

"Where is that brother of yours? I have a proposition for the both of you," He asked.

I liked arms with him and I led him into the parlor.

"General!" Alexander said, happily, crossing the room quickly and shook his hand excitedly.

"Alexander, my boy." He said, in his commander tone.

"Please, sit," Alex offered.

The General sighed and sat beside me on the couch, Alexander across from us.

"They are asking me to lead. I'm doing the best I can, but to get the people that I need. Im asking you to be my right hand man," He began to ramble.

"Treasury or state?" Alexander asked.

"I know it's a lot to ask" Washington continued.

"Sir, do you want us to run the Treasury or State department?" I reiterated.

"Treasury," He sighed.

"Let's go!" Alexander said, leaping up and going to pack.

Angelica swept gracefully into the room and kissed her husband's cheek before smiling warmly at Washington.

"We have to leave," Alexander stated


"Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now," He tried to reason, cutting her off.

"Helpless," she whispered, looking at me.

I shot her an apologetic look.

"They are asking us to lead," I explained.

"He will never be satisfied," She sighed, lookin up at the sky

She looked back at me and smiled.

"I guess it's time to pack dearest friend,"

"I guess so Sweet sister," I said, linking arms with her. "We'res stuck with a man that's non-stop,"

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