Chapter 10- The Intern

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Jane's P.O.V

It's been six months since we moved to our new house. Since have decided to help my father with his company have been focusing more on business. I've been doing a lot of research and my dad is helping.

I had a meeting with my dad and the board members weeks after my wedding. Even though have been staying home I'm pretty busy with school and taking care of my family. I travel to Chicago and the states my dad invite me to attend for business, but I haven't made any appearance at the company.

I recently came up with a plan in my head, Liam won't stop laughing about it. My plan is to disguise myself as an intern who is there to work with each department. I came up with the plan to help myself get to know about the daily activities going on in the company that I might not be able to see every day as the CEO. Also to get to know each person I'll be working with on a professional level. I want to know how hard they work. I plan on doing this for as long as I can.

I went to the store to get a wig and glasses different from the one I use to read, including some new simple clothes in a small store. When Liam got home I showed him the things I bought to use for my disguise he busted into laughter saying I was ridiculous. He thought I was joking when I told him about my plan.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Liam asked pulling me closer to him while he sits on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... I'm gonna be leaving on Mondays and I'll be back on Thursdays. I'll be working from home on Fridays. Raphael called to tell me the jet will be ready at 5 a.m on Mondays I have to leave for the airport at 4 a.m. Thanks to the helicopter. We should get to Chicago before 8am." I explained my schedule to him.

"I really do not like this. You're gonna be away for four days every week. That's not fun. What about Ian and I." He said sadly, putting his head down. I use both of my hands to lift his head up.

"I know and I'm sorry. We've already talked about this. I don't wanna leave either, but this is for work. It's just for a while till the headquarters is moved to New York. You already know this. You asked me to help dad, so don't complain." I said and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I didn't know it was gonna take this much time from you. I don't want you to leave." Liam whined making me sad. "I promise to make the project as fast as possible so we can move the headquarters to New York." I pleaded. He had a puppy face. 

"Aw don't be like this. You are gonna make it harder for me to leave. When you are like this how is Ian supposed to feel? He's not used to me been away this much." I said almost crying realizing how much I'm sacrificing. 

"Hey hey hey... I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm really sorry. I almost forgot how hard this most be for you too. I know I told you I was cool with it, I also advised you to do this for your dad. I'm sorry for being selfish. I didn't mean to." Liam said hugging me. I cried for a while.

"I know, I just never really thought about it. I was never a fan of mothers that choose work over their families. I just never thought I would become one. I think now understand some of them now. It's part of their responsibilities and it's a huge sacrifice. I just don't want Ian to hate me for this. I don't want him to feel like I don't care about him. I can't believe I'm doing this. Four days in a week. I don't think I can do this." I cried. 

"It's okay. I'm sure Ian is not gonna think like that. He's gonna love you for working hard. And I'm gonna make sure you don't let your work consume you. Okay babe? Come here." He said pulling me closer.

After a minute of hugging, I finally stopped crying and pulled myself together. 

I prepared our lunch for the next day. I made sure Ian's school bag was ready and he has everything he needed for the school. I picked out Ian's clothes for the next day and Liam's suit and tie. I already pack enough clothes and shoes for four days. I spoke with Ian's nanny.

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