Chapter 21-- High on sugar

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Liam's P.O.V

Every piece is coming together. My family is becoming perfect. It's been two weeks since we found out Jane was pregnant, after waiting for six months. I couldn't be happier I got to share the news and experience with her. It feels like the first time for me since I missed my chance with Ian. It's really funny how I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I freaked out for a while and Jane had to bring me back to my senses. 


It was another normal weekend, Jane wasn't feeling great and decided to see the doctor. Ian and I played Xbox, and of course Ian 'won'. I like to see the smile of victory on his face when he wins, so as a father I mostly let him win. After playing Xbox, we decided to do something productive. Ian decided to read one of his books from school, while I decided to do some work from the office at home. 

I didn't close the door to my office so I could see Jane come upstairs. I was ready to take care of her all day since she's been so tired and sick lately. I already prepared a soup , I placed it in a warm place waiting for her to return while I distract myself with work. 

 I was surprised when I saw Jane with her beautiful bright smile. I couldn't help but smile though I didn't know the reason behind her smile. I was just happy to see her smile. I got up from the chair and walked around the desk, sitting on the desk facing the door, waiting for her to walk in with her bright smile.

The expression on her face totally screams 'guess what'  I couldn't really think of anything, but thanks to whatever made my wife smile this bright today. 

"What's going on? Are you feeling better? I guess the medicine works wonders." I said with a smile. She nodded her head continuously, showing she's obviously happy about something I'm yet to find out. "Did you meet a long time friend that you liked?" I tried to guess, but she shook her head indicating a capital NO. 

"Did your mom finally agree to visit?" I guessed again. She shook her head again but showing she's disappointed I couldn't guess it right this time. "Okay, fine, I give up. Tell me, I'm curious to know what brought this beautiful smile to my wife's face today." I said giving up. I folded my arms and waited for her to talk. 

She smiled brightly again."So... I went to see the doctor's right? Because I haven't been feeling good." She said sounding excited. "Yeah... and... get to the happy part." I said curiously. "So... I was told to take a test." She said like she was dropping a hint, but I didn't get any clue. 

"And..." I said letting her know I'm totally lost. "Arg... you're clueless. I'm pregnant, idiot!" She said with a grin. 

"And..." I said 

Wait! What?

It's like I heard what she said but at the same time I don't understand the words. 

"You're pregnant? You mean, I'm gonna be a father again!?" 

I didn't even know when I picked her up, hugging her so tight. I can't even describe how I feel. I heard Jane's laughter, but I was in my own world. I'm already visualizing what the baby will look like.

"I'm gonna be a father again. Wow! I guess this is the feeling. It feels like the first time. I mean it the first time I'm hearing this from you. I mean what!" I said grinning. I can't even believe it yet, it feels like a dream. 

I feel so proud.

"Oh my God Jane, thank you! I love you, I really do. Thank you!" I couldn't control my happiness. She smiled giving me another hug.

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