Chapter 6

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HaNeul woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs filling the dorm. She rolled onto her back and scratched her head. Finally she stood up and stretched. Her muscles were sore but it felt good knowing that they had made it through the first week of training. She walked out of the bedroom and went to brush her teeth when she found MiYoung just finishing up. "Hey Hana~ hold up a sec let me just clean out the sink~ I had a war with the toothpaste" Hana laughed as MiYoung washed the sink out and wiped her face. She turned to her "okay it's all yours, hurry up before we eat all the bacon okay" she said laughing. 

               When HaNeul was finished she found her breakfast on the table waiting for her. "Morning~~"  she said sitting down on the chair bringing her knees up to her chest laying her head on them still tired. "Hey HaNeul" KyungMi said sitting down at the table with her. When MiYoung, JinHee, HyunJae and Sarah brought the orange juice and pancakes to the table, everyone started eating. 

               When breakfast was finished MiYoung and KyungMi did the dishes, MiYoung washed and KyungMi dried. "Free day~" MiYoung sang. "Oh Yeah~" KyungMi finished. The girls giggled at their silly song. 


          When they finished washing the dishes and everything was clean and put away MiYoung and KyungMi sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. 

JinHee came and sat next to them. "So now what guys?"she asked. KyungMi laughed, "Yeah I know it feels weird not having anything to do." "We Need to have fun!" HyunJae said leaning on the back of the couch. "Seriously!" MiYoung added. 

             Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "I got it!" Sarah yelled walking over to the door. She opened the door but there was no one there. Curious, she looked down the hallway both ways and then down. There was a piece of paper on the floor with 'MEMO' in bold black ink written across the top. She picked it up and brought it inside. " Hey guys! There's a memo!" HaNeul came out of the bedroom and pulled her headphone out of her ear. "There's a what?" She said. "A Memo~" Sarah said, "it says~ Dear Solo Artists, Please meet in the 2nd floor conference room in the main building tonight for a special information meeting discussing new terms applied to our summer training system effective on Monday, please be prompt, the meeting will begin at 7:30 sharp." 

              "New terms?" MiYoung wondered out loud. "Yeah~ I don't know~ it's weird cause I think this is the first time that they've accepted all the members if groups that all audition together. Usually they put us together and make a group..... Ahhhh well ill just make sure to be there." "Ooh make sure you let us know what happens okay?" HyunJae said. "Sure thing" Sarah said, "Well I gotta go guys, I made some plans with some of the other girls" "Oh okay" JinHee said as she left the dorm. 

             "Plans with the other girls?" HaNeul asked, sitting on the couch next to MiYoung. "Yeah, what's so weird about that? Asked JinHee. "Oh nothing, Hana said, except for the fact that I've never seen her talk to anyone except us and we're all together almost ALL the time." "You're right" KyungMi said, "she doesn't talk to the other trainees and she doesn't talk to the idols either." "Well that's cause we never SEE the idols" HyunJae said. "Speaking of idols",MiYoung said, "MiMi has a plan" "Oh God! What is it?" Hana said. "wellll you guys said you wanna have fun so lets go hang out with Krystal, maybe they have some ideas, plus they're leaving on Tuesday for some THING so it's our only chance to hang till they get back. "Sounds good, but how do we find them?" Kyung asked. "THAT! I know how to fix" JinHee said. She went into their bedroom and got her iPod. As trainees they weren't allowed to have their phones because they weren't to post pictures and videos of themselves or anything inside the company for obvious reasons but SM forgot about their iPods.

            JinHee leaned on the table and tapped away for a while when a devious smirk spread across her face. "Done!", she said, "You guys should get ready. Krystal's gunna come get us in 30. We're gunna hang out in their dorm for a while." "Oh ok" Kyung said. 

             When Krystal knocked on the door the girls were all ready. They greeted her then grabbed their keycards and followed her to the elevator. "Where's your dorm?" JinHee asked. "Upstairs" Krystal said. "Upstairs? How? The buttons don't work!" HaNeul said. "Because they're not supposed to work for you. See this slot?, she pointed to a slot on the elevator panel, I have to put my card in there and THEN the buttons work. It's designed to keep trainees from 'harassing us idols'" "so who else lives up here?" "F(x) has the 4th floor and G.G is in the 6th floor penthouse" "Oh~ so are you guys allowed to go up to their floors?" KyungMi asked. "Yeah, as much as we want unless they lock their 'door' if they do that then only members with that floors specific keycard can go up there" "how do you keep track of all these cards?" HyunJae asked. "Oh, look at them, they're personalized." Krystal said showing them the light periwinkle colored card with her groups name on it. "Oh that's cool!" MiYoung said. The elevator chimed. "Yeah you guys will get one soon too~" Krystal said stepping off the elevator. 


          The girls wondered what she meant but were soon distracted by the huge lavish apartment. "Well this just makes our dorm look like snit!" HyunJae said. Luna,Victoria, Sulli, and Amber came out of their rooms to greet them. The girls were talking amoungst themselves lounging on beanbag chairs when the elevator chimed. A male voice came from the elevator. "Is everyone decent!" It called out. "Yes!" The girls of f(x) yelled back. The owner of the voice finally was revealed to be Leeteuk, followed by KyuHyun, and HeeChul of Super Junior. "Oh hello, and who might you lovely ladies be?" Leeteuk asked. "This is SPARKLee~" Amber said. "SPARKLee?" HeeChul said with extreme intrigue in his voice. "So these are the girls that everyone is talking about?" KyuHyun said. "Talking about?" They all said together. "Ahhhh~ that's so cute!" Leeteuk said. 

            The girls were confused. "What are you talking about?" MiYoung asked. "Well, this audition cycle was to scout and put together SM's new girl group, Luna explained, so they expected to do it the way they made every other group here. Find a bunch of solo people and fit them together. Then you guys came along, but they decided to give the solos a chance to see if they could add to the group. Unfortunately for them, you guys fit together so well already that they don't wanna mess up a good thing." "So the meeting with the solo artists tonight is about us?" "Technically yes, Amber said, it's about a big showcase where you and that other girl group here having a showdown to see who comes out on top." "I'd vote for you guys" Victoria said. "Awwww thanks, Kyung said, but what happens with this showcase?" "Well the word on the street is that the other trainees from the summer system will go through eliminations and those who make it will be moved to SM Academy with the older trainees." Leeteuk said. 



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