Chapter 35

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"Ugh~~, KyungMi groaned, Why is this so hard?!" The girls were in the practice room trying out a new routine that Jenny made for them. They were working extra hard to compensate for their lack of two members. "Try again~" Key said. KyungMi looked at him and nodded. 


              She restarted the song and tried again. "Oww~!" She screamed. She fell to the floor and landed on her elbow. "KyungMi?! Are you okay?!" MinHo yelled while rushing over to her. He helped her stand up again. "Yeah, she said, I'm fine~ I think I need to take a little break." "No~, Key said while standing up, You're just frustrated. Use your frustration to help make your moves sharper." 


              KyungMi looked up at MinHo who gave his silent approval. She took a deep breath and tried again. Although she failed again, she didn't fall. She looked over at MinHo who smiled back with encouragement. She would go for it again. Key restarted the music and she tried the move again. This time she was victorious. 


            "Great job Kyung!" JinHee yelled.  "Thanks Jin" KyungMi replied. "Alright~ now its my turn" JinHee said. She got half way through the routine when the music stopped. Everyone looked toward the iPod dock. "What the HELL are you doing?" Key yelled. 


             JinHee gasped and stood there baffled. "I was trying to--" She began before key cut her off. "No~! You weren't! That wasn't dancing! Try it again and DO NOT mess up this time." He yelled. "Key why are you yelling at me?" JinHee asked. "Because you're doing terribly! Now do it again" he yelled. He restarted the music and walked over to his original spot on the floor. 


               JinHee looked back at him and took a deep breath. She began the routine again. "MinHo~" KyungMi said. "Yes?" He asked. "Why is Key acting like this?" She asked. "I'm not sure~, MinHo said, but he needs to lighten up." KyungMi nodded and turned back to JinHee who had just finished her routine. 


             The mood was tense while everyone waited for Key to say something. He stood up. "It still needs work" he muttered as he walked out of the door past MiYoung and JongHyun who were just walking in. "Hey Key~" JongHyun said. "Hi" Key said in a dry tone while walking down the hallway. 


             "Woah~ whats his problem?" MiYoung said. "I don't even know~, JinHee said with a sigh, he just started acting crazy." "Damn~ well lets get to work. We can call him all kinds of assholes over ice cream later but we need to do what we need to do." "Yeahh~~,KyungMi said, lets get this going. You know whats at stake here." JinHee nodded. 


               JongHyun sat next to MinHo while the girls practiced for the next 5 hours. When they were done they were sweaty and tired. "You guys are doing great~" MinHo said with a smile. The girls laughed. "I'm sure we don't look or smell great~!" MiYoung said. Everyone laughed. "Mmm I don't know, JongHyun said, I think it's sexy" 


            "Oh god! Get a room~!" MinHo joked. "Why don't you?" JongHyun joked back. The girls looked at each other. "See about that MinHo~~ If you touch Kyung I'm gonna have to Scooty Whoop you in the head and Phoenix  your balls. I'm just saying" MiYoung said jokingly. MinHo's eyes widened. "She's not wrong though~!" JinHee added. 


              Everyone laughed. "Hey~ why don't you guys come and have dinner at our place?"JongHyun asked while putting his arm around MiYoung.  "Mmm I'd love to, she said, but what about Onew and TaeMin? How are they doing?" "Onew seems okay~, MinHo said, he's been talking to HyunJae a lot. We can tell he misses her but he's keeping his head up." 


            The girls nodded. "What about TaeMin?" KyungMi asked. MinHo averted his gaze while JongHyun lowered his head. "Our Maknae is truly heartbroken, JongHyun said, he really  hasn't been the same."  "Awwww Taem~" JinHee said. "Gosh~ I wish we could do something for him." KyungMi said. "Yeah~, MiYoung added, I suppose he needs time alone but at the same time I want to be there for him." 


             The girls nodded. "How about we have dinner at our dorm? ,KyungMi asked, I'd hate to cause him anymore pain by being a huge reminder of HaNeul for him." JinHee and MiYoung nodded their agreement. "Okay sure~" MinHo said. "What time?" JongHyun asked. "Mmmm its a little late but~~ 8? And make sure you bring your overnight bag" MiYoung said. 


           JongHyun smiled. After the plans were made everyone went back to their dorms. While MiYoung and KyungMi were in the shower JinHee got a text message from Key. It read: ' Hey can you come outside? I need to talk to you.' JinHee wanted to ignore it but her heart wouldn't let her. She wanted to hear what her had to say. She agreed to the meeting and went downstairs. 


           Key was waiting in front of the building. When he saw her he ushered her into a dark colored car and got into the drivers seat. They drove in silence for a while until they got to a quiet spot near a park. Key stopped the car and breathed heavily. 


          "Baby~ I'm sorry, he said, I didn't mean to hurt you." JinHee just sat there, she didn't know what to say. "You don't have to say anything, he said, I don't expect you to. I was such a jerk and I never intended to hurt your feelings. I just--" "You just what?!" JinHee said with her voice slightly raised. "I guess I'm being hard on you and pushing you roughly because I-I-I'm just... I'm just so afraid to lose you because I love you" He said with his head down. JinHee's heart fluttered. "Key, she said while taking his hand, I love you too and I'm not going anywhere. I promise." 


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