Chapter 25

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"TaeMin~~~ stop~!" HaNeul said.  They were in the elevator going downstairs from her groups' dorm. He had her pinned against the wall trying to kiss her when the elevator doors opened and Krystal was on the other side. 


           "Uhh~ hey~" TaeMin said. "Hi" Krystal said softly with her head down. HaNeul and TaeMin stepped off the elevator. Hana couldn't help but feel a little bad for her.  She looked back and before the doors closed she swore she saw her cry. Was she cruel to be so happy while Krystal was so clearly devastated over the man they both loved? HaNeul shook her head and decided that she wouldn't worry about it. TaeMin was hers and they were happy together. No matter what.  



               Onew and HyunJae were driving down the street when they came across a street fair. "Oh~~ Jinki can we go?" HyunJae asked. Onew smiled at hearing his real name. He found it refreshing. "Sure" he said. He parked the car and they walked over to the area. HyunJae was mesmerized by all the different sights and smells. She was the most unfamiliar with Asian culture out of her members. Onew came up to her with a plate of food. "Here try this" he said picking up a bit on a fork to feed her. HyunJae ate the food. "Oh my goodness what is that?" She said with a smile. "Do you like it?" He asked. "Yes~!" She said. He smiled. "Now try this..."he said feeding her again.

                  The two of them sat in a bench laughing and feeding each other. They even found themselves taking silly pictures together and smiling for pictures with fans when they were eventually noticed. Soon after, they got back into Onew's car and drove to her dorm. "Onew~ I don't want to go home yet~!, she said, can we do something else?" "Yeah, he said, I have an idea." They walked to a Karaoke room. They went inside, he ordered drinks, and they sang their hearts out. They could move you to tears with their rendition of Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown's No Air. HyunJae sat down and picked up her drink. She took a sip and said "Jinki~ you tryna get me drunk?" He laughed. "No~ if you would like something else i can get it for you. I just figured you needed to loosen up a bit. You seem a little tense" He said. "Eh~ I guess I was. But I'm perfect now" She said. They both finished their drinks and started to sing again. They giggled when their words began to slur and sat back down. "You are so beautiful" Onew said. "Stahp it~,HyunJae said, you are too frickin' cute." He kissed her. Before they knew it they were making out, they had even started to take off their jackets when they were interrupted by the waiter opening the door. "Im sorry for interrupting, he said, are you staying for another hour or will you be leaving?" "We'll be going, Onew said, could you call us a cab?" The waiter nodded and stepped out. When the cab arrived, Onew payed and put his arm around HyunJae. They walked to the cab and got inside. They made out all the way to their dorm while the cab driver smirked from the front seat. When they arrived HyunJae got out of the cab first while Onew payed. As Onew handed over the money "Have fun tonight" the cab driver said while handing Onew his change. The cab driver had given him a condom. Onew laughed and gave it back. He wouldn't take advantage of her in her incoherent state. He'd never try anything with her until she was ready. Onew got out of the cab and put his arm around HyunJae and helped her upstairs to her dorm. When the elevator opened he led her inside. 


          MiYoung was walking out of her bedroom to the kitchen. "Hey Onew."she said. "Hi~, he said, could you help HyunJae to her bedroom? She she's a hit drunk." MiYoung laughed. "Sure, she said, do you need help getting home? JongHyun is here." Onew smiled. "No, I'm fine, he said, thanks for your help." Onew got onto the elevator and waved goodbye. 



              MiYoung walked HyunJae  to her bedroom and took off her jacket. She realized she had never been in HyunJae's room. It was almost identical to hers.  She took off HyunJae's jacket, shoes,pants, and pushed her into bed. She covered her up with a light sheet and left the room closing the door behind her. She went back to the kitchen and put popcorn in the microwave. When it was done she poured it into a bowl, threw away the bag, and walked back into her room. 


                "There you are~, JongHyun said, did you get lost in your own kitchen?" They laughed. "No, she said, Onew dropped off a drunken HyunJae so I had to help her to bed." "Ahh, he said, do you drink?" "A little~" she said with a smirk. "Do you?" She asked. "Yes, but not much" he said. "I want to see you drunk~~!" She said while laughing. He shook his head. " what are you like when you're drunk?" He asked. "Im a rapist, she said, a giggly rapist." "Well you're already a rapist so the only difference is the giggling but i can change that" He said. He put the bowl of popcorn on the nightstand and started tickling her. She screamed and pushed him away. "I can't drink with you~, he said, you're no fun." She laughed. "난 술을 못마셔요~" she sang. "You know that song~!?" He asked. "Yeah~!, she said, I almost did a cover of it pre-debut but singing isn't my position. So i decided not to."  "Awww why don't you sing. I love to sing" he whined. "Yeah~ I know you do and I love you but Im not singing a damned thing. The most I'll do is a little back up singing but Im a rapper." "You love me?" he asked with a bright smile. Her eyes widened. "No~" she said quickly. "Yes you do~, he teased, MiYoung said she loves me. MiYoung said she loves me." "I do not!, She said with a pout, get out of my bed!" "Okay~" he said starting to get up. "No~!, she yelled while grabbing his arm, okay you can stay in my bed." "This is my bed, he said, you get out." He laughed. She punched his arm then shook her hand not realizing that it would hurt that much. He kissed her fingers and pulled her close. "Ohh~~ no~~ we're not doing this~" she said through a giant smile. "Yes we are" he whispered. "I'll scream~, she said, someone will hear." He chuckled. "Well, thats the plan" he said getting on top of her. She laughed and pushed him off. "You play to much,she said, you know you cant handle this. He laughed and grabbed the bowl of popcorn. They turned on a movie and he put his arm around her. She rested her head on his chest. There was still a tinge of sexual tension in the air but they would behave themselves, for now. 



              JinHee and Key stumbled up to his dorm. Everyone was out for the night since MiYoung had JongHyun over. No one wanted to know or hear what they were probably doing. TaeMin and HaNeul had went to an all night horror movie festival so no one expected to see them until morning. They were virtually alone except for a passed out Onew on the couch. They snuck past him and went to Key's room. They  both had a bit too much to drink after a long night of partying. Key opened his bedroom door and ushered JinHee inside. She sat on the bed while he changed his clothes. He put on a pair of pajama pants,a wife beater, and tossed her a T-shirt and a pair of boxers. She got up to go to the bathroom but he closed the door. "Go ahead, you can change in front of me." He said with a chuckle. She turned around so she wasn't facing him and took off  her shirt. He unhooked her bra and took a step back admiring her back. She put the shirt on quickly and finished changing. She folded her clothes and put them on the chair in his room. "Hungry? Thirsty?" He asked. She nodded. He could tell she was nervous so he figured a little comfort food would lighten the mood. He went to the kitchen and got two water bottles and a bunch of snacks. They sat in bed and munched away while watching a comedy show on TV. All of a sudden they heard a noise. They muted the television and swore they heard giggling. They cracked the door open and peeked out into the living room to see MinHo and KyungMi kissing against the door. He picked her up and put her on the kitchen counter while they continued to make out. He took off her jacket and started rubbing her shoulders. JinHee and Key couldn't believe their eyes.  MinHo picked KyungMi up again and carried her to his bedroom. They shut the door. 


               Key closed his door and turned to face JinHee who had already ran back to the bed and covered her face in a pillow to stifle her laughter. "What the hell did we just see" she said. "I don't know~~,he answered, forgive me but i always thought I would catch MiYoung or HaNeul in a situation like that first." They both laughing knowing the truth behind that statement. Key got back into bed and JinHee cuddled close to him. They un-muted  the  TV and watched until they fell asleep.

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