Chapter 38

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KyungMi couldn't get past the empty feeling she had. She was fine the day before but trying so hard to stay strong for MinHo wasn't letting her grieve the way she needed to. Mr. Lee had done so much for her and the girls and he deserved her tears. She needed to cry. She was heading toward the restroom when she spotted something that made her do a double take. It was TaeMin and HanNeul sitting at the bar drinking and laughing together as if they had never broken up. KyungMi smiled at the thought of TaeNeul getting back together and made her way to the restroom to finally let her emotions out. 


                MiYoung walked out of the office with JongHyun following behind her. He was in a daze. The previous events hasn't hit him yet. "JongHyun?, MiYoung said, JongHyun!!" "Yeah?" He answered after a few seconds. "Are you okay hun?, she asked with a smile, or should I say... Mr. CEO". He smiled. "How am i going to do this?, he asked, why of all people did he choose me?" "Because you're amazing, MiYoung answered, don't stress it babe. I'll be your CFO, your secretary,  any kind of back up you need. I got you homie~!"  He laughed and put his arm around her. He was scared but he trusted her. Some how they would make it. 


             "Onew?, HyunJae asked, where have you been?" "Uhh? standing here?" He said jokingly. HyunJae squinted her eyes and laughed. "Shut up~!" she said.  "How are you doing?" She asked. "I'm alright, he said, Im coping with it all. How are you?" She smiled. "Im okay Jinki" she said. "Hey guys excuse me...., MinHo said cutting into their conversation, have you seen KyungMi?" "Uhm.... No I haven't, HyunJae said, but what I do see is what looks like HaNeul and TaeMin leaving the bar together. " Onew said.  "WHAT?!?" MinHo, Onew, HyunJae and KyungMi who had just walked up behind them to hear the last part of the conversation said together.

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