Chapter 33

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"Ahhh~~" I am so tired~~, MiYoung said as Wendy and the girls stepped into the dorm, Wen please tell me we can go to bed!" They just arrived at their dorm. "You didn't sleep on the plane?" Wendy asked. "Not much, MiYoung said, I couldn't really sleep." "I get what you mean MiMi~ I'm super tired too~" "well you guys do deserve the rest. This has definitely been a stressful time. Go take a nap." 

           The girls said bye to Wendy and went to bed. They hadn't realized how tired they really were until their bodies hit their beds. About 5 hours later KyungMi woke up. She went into the bathroom and took a shower. When she was done she got dressed and turned on the TV in the living room. She was lounging on the couch when her phone rang. "Hello?" KyungMi said into the phone. "KyungMi? Hey it's Wendy~! Are all of you up yet? Our CEO would like to speak to you." Wendy said. "Uhm No i don't think so,KyungMi said, but I can check." "Okay well get everyone up and be ready in 20 minutes. He doesnt like to wait" Wendy said. They said bye and hung up the phone. KyungMi got up and walked towards MiYoung's room. MiYoung opened the door as soon as she stepped in front of it. "Oh wow~ Brian~ I was just about to knock" KyungMi said.  "Oops, well sorry Ryan~,MiYoung said, whats up?" "Wendy said to wake you guys up. We gotta go for a meeting and we have to be there quickly." KyungMi said. "Oh~ okay~, MiYoung said, I will throw my hair in a ponytail put on some clothes and be ready A.SA.P." "Ok good, KyungMi said, Now we just got to get JinHee up." "No you don't~, JinHee said while stepping out of her room fully dressed,  Y'all gotta get ready. I'm dressed." 

           MiYoung and KyungMi laughed and got ready quickly. They went downstairs to the lobby where they met Amber. "Hey amber~" KyungMi  said. "Hey guys~ whats up?" Amber asked. "We're going to a meeting with Wendy and the mysterious CEO" MiYoung said with a chuckle. "Ohh~ yeahh~~ I heard about your situation. What happened?" Amber asked. "They just didnt think all this was right for them anymore." JinHee said with a shrug. "Ahh well no worries, Amber said while stepping into the elevator, best of luck guys!" She waved while the doors closed. The girls waved back. 

               They each took a deep breath and then walked over to the main building. When they entered the lobby Wendy was already there waiting for them. "Girls~!! Oh good~~ you're here, she said, we're almost late. Lets go." Wendy led the girls into the elevator and up to the 6th floor. "Straighten yourselves up~, Wendy said, and don't forget to smile." The girls nodded and stood a little straighter. They each flashed a smile as the doors opened. 

               They stepped into the large office. There was a small desk off to the left side of the room where a young woman was sitting while working on a laptop. The girls were instructed to sit in front of the large desk in the center of the room and wait. Soon a tall slender man walked in. Wendy and the girls greeted him with a deep bow and sat back down. "Girls, its very nice to meet you finally. Its also very unfortunate to meet under these circumstances" He said. The girl's nodded. 

                  "So, lets get down to buisness, he said, Ive spoken to Wendy, HaNeul, and HyunJae about the situation. We've agreed to sever ties with them. I'm delighted that you have decided to stay with us. What we must discuss now is how to find new members for you."  "Sir may I say something?" MiYoung asked. He nodded. "With all due respect we don't want any new members. We feel that we can work together better with just the three of us." She said. He listened to her words and nodded. "Then the three of you will have to prove it, he said, if you fail to do so and still refuse new members. We'll have to drop you from the agency." The girls gulped. They looked at each other, then back at him and nodded.

           He dismissed the girls but Wendy stayed behind. They silently got into the elevator and waited until they were home to speak. When they were back in their dorm they finally spoke. "Why was that more nerve wracking than the showcase?"  JinHee said. "Because we were already the favorite then and we still had all of our members." KyungMi said. "I'm going to shower, MiYoung said, I think I have a pool of sweat on my ass." The girls laughed while MiYoung walked into her room. 

                JinHee and KyungMi went into their own rooms. If they had to prove themselves then they would. They did it before and they were determined to do it again.

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