Chapter 23

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JongHyun and MinHo walked out of the mall and tried to rush past the screaming fans and paparazzi until something caught their ears. " JongHyun! How do you feel knowing that your girlfriend has been shot?!" one reporter screamed. The boys couldn't believe what they were hearing. Everyone rushed into the van and turned on the radio. The news was on. "Today there was 

a terrifying scene outside of the studio that ShimShimTapa is broadcasted from. SM girl group SPARKLee were the celebrity guests and a few hundred fans showed up to support them. The girls even signed autographs and posed for photos after their interview. The occasion was joyful until things took a turn for the worst and the groups' Maknae Kim MiYoung was shot by a disgruntled fan supposedly over comments she made on the show. She was rushed to a nearby hospital. There is no news on her condition yet." "We have to get to the hospital NOW!" Key yelled. 


              JongHyun was in shock. When they arrived at the hospital TaeMin argued with the nurse at the front desk. "MiYoung. We are looking for Kim MiYoung!" He said. "There is no one by that name here" the nurse answered. "She has to be here!" TaeMin yelled back. "Over here!!" HyunJae said calling them over after hearing the commotion. The boys ran into the waiting room not bothering to apologize for yelling at the nurse. 



              "How is she?" MinHo asked while taking KyungMi into his arms. KyungMi sobbed into his jacket. "We don't know. We haven't heard anything." She said.  "When i get my hands on that son of a bitch!" JinHee growled. "Im not violent but I think I would murder him." Key said. They looked at each other knowingly. "God!,HyunJae yelled, why was no one there to protect her? We don't get a frickin body guard or something?!?" "Calm down,Onew said,everyone just needs to take a breath. MiYoung needs all the positive energy she can get now." 


                 Everyone except JongHyun sat down while the couples held hands. He paced the waiting room quietly deep in thought. When all of a sudden he punched a wall. "What the fuck happened?, he growled, who did this?" "That guy!, HaNeul exclamed, there was a guy who called in to the show and he sounded really upset with her." "He said he met us in Indonesia. The one who gave her the bracelet." HyunJae added. "His name is uhhh JuYeon or JiHyun or something." JinHee said. " Its JiYoung!, KyungMi yelled, Yoo JiYoung." JongHyun flexed his jaw and took a deep breath. He pressed his head against a wall and closed his eyes.


                  A man came into the waiting room and spoke. "Im looking for the family of Kim MiYoung" he said. "Thats us!" Everyone yelled at the same time. "Well you all should be happy to know she's alive and doing very well. Shes very lucky, the bullet went right through her, and missed all internal organs. Shes awake you can see her but only two at a time. She needs her rest."

           Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay two at a time, so uhm maybe MinKyung can go first then TaeNeul?" HyunJae said. "Why?" JinHee asked. "Do it in couples and have us go first so we can all check in and the JongHyun can be alone with her." HyunJae replied. "Okay that makes sense, KyungMi said, so after TaeNeul, JinKey and OnJae can go." Everyone agreed. MinHo and KyungMi went down the hall and found MiYoung staring at the ceiling. "MiYoung?" KyungMi said as they walked in. She looked at them. "Hey MinKyung is here~!" MiYoung said. "How you feeling?" MinHo asked. "Im alright~, MiYoung said, Im in a little pain but I'll live." "Thats good, KyungMi said, well call us if you need something. Everyone wants to see you." "Is he here?" MiYoung asked. "Of course~,MinHo said, rest up kiddo. We're rooting for you." "Thanks guys" she said as they were walking out. They waved and left. 


                 TaeMin and HaNeul came in next. "Hey~~ how are you?" HaNeul said. "Im good, MiYoung said, I'm feeling okay." "You need anything?" TaeMin asked. "No~ I'm fine Taem" she smiled. "Alright well. Please dont hesitate to ask" TaeMin said. HaNeul and TaeMin hugged her, then left. 


               JinKey came in next. "Hey little lady~!" Key said. "MiMi!~ how are you? Are you in pain?" JinHee said. "Im alright. In a little pain but i will be okay." MiYoung said. "Are you hungry~?" They asked at the same time. MiYoung laughed. "Guys honestly~ im good~" she said. "Okay well we're going to get out of her let and OnJae see you. But you get some rest." JinHee said. "Okay~" MiYoung said. Key gave her hand a squeeze before they left. 

              OnJae came in after them. "Hey~ Mi~ Ya doing good?" HyunJae said. "Yes. I feel a lot better now." MiYoung said. "Make sure you get a lot of rest and eat. Its important to heal." "I will, MiYoung said, Hey Hyun could you fix my hair please? I cant have him seeing him like this." Onew and HyunJae laughed. "I don't think he'd be worried about your hair" Onew said.  MiYoung smiled. They gave her a hug and left. "You get better now hun~!" HyunJae called from the hallway. 


                When everyone left JongHyun walked into the room, leaned on a wall, and looked down. "I thought you were dead" he said. "I'm fine~" MiYoung reassured him. He moved closer to the bed. "MiYoung~ i thought you were gone forever. That was the scariest feeling i have ever had in my entire life, he said, I cant have anything happen to ever again. I wont let it." "Im okay~, she said, really."  


                 He sat in a chair and pulled it up closer to the bed. She took his hand. "Im going to be fine, MiYoung said, honestly~" he kissed her hand. "I don't believe you~" he said. He put his head on the side of the bed and sighed. 


              Over the next week JongHyun went to visit MiYoung everyday. "JongHyun~ go home, MiYoung said, you've been here everyday. You come here in the morning stay till its time for your schedule then right back after. Have you slept at all this past week?" " I don't need sleep I need you to get better" He said. She smiled. "You cant stay here forever" she said. "As long as you're here I will be" he replied. He kissed her forehead. "Get some rest~, he said, Im going to this appearance. I'll be back later." 

"Bye~" she said. 



              Three days later JongHyun brought MiYoung home from the hospital. Her members were so excited to see her. She felt as good as new but everyone was a little on edge since the guy that shot her was still on the loose. They decided not to worry MiYoung by telling her just yet. They would let her enjoy being home for a day or so first. 


            JinYoung watched JongHyun and MiYoung enter her building. He was with her all the time at the hospital so he couldn't get to her but he would have to leave her at some point and when he did, he'd have his chance. 


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