Chapter 15

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The next morning Wendy got the girls up bright and early. As usual MiYoung complained but she didn't give her a hard time. The girls got dressed and went out to the van as they did nearly every time wendy came by. They exchanged greetings with JaeChul and chatted quietly amongst themselves. When the arrived the girls said goodbye and got out of the van. They walked into a concert hall and sat down in the front row. They boys arrived a few minutes after them. They filed in filling the row the girls were sitting in. MiYoung was at the end of the row, when JongHyun sat next to her she spoke to Kyung. "Uh, Kyungie?, she said, can I uh switch places with you? I wanna sit next to JinHee." "Sure~" KyungMi said a bit confused. The girls switched places. KyungMi looked down the aisle and noticed MinHo had the same confused expression on his face. 

              Their attention was brought to the stage when a woman walked up to the podium. "Hello boys nice to see you again, ladies you don't know me yet my name is Lisa I'm the concert coordinator and i will be choosing the set list for the upcoming tour you'll be going on very soon. I'd like to invite you onstage to review your set list and choose your 2 songs for the concert. Afterward the gentleman will do their thing and you all can go home. Sound good?" She said.  

             The girls shouted their agreement and got on stage. They performed all the songs they knew so far and when they finished 'Lucky' and 'Wanna' were chosen. Everyone applauded and they sat down again. When the guys finished their set it was time to go. "Okay~! Time to go right?" MiYoung said while walking towards the door. "No its alright MiYoung, relax a bit I wanna talk to Lisa" Wendy said. "Oh, okay" MiYoung replied in a disappointed voice.  She walked back down the aisle to where JinHee and KyungMi were standing. "Where you trying to run off to in such a hurry?" JinHee said. "Nowhere?" MiYoung replied. "Are you alright?" KyungMi asked. "Fine" MiYoung said with a forced smile. KyungMi didn't believe her but she figured she needed some space. JinHee noticed that MiYoung tensed up when the boys started walking over but she thought she was nervous about something.


                "Great job~ we liked your song" TaeMin said. The girls all said thank you. "Wait, which song?, HaNeul asked, we did two songs. Which was the favorite?" The boys all answered at once. MinHo,Onew, and Key liked 'Wanna' while JongHyun and TaeMin preferred 'Lucky'. "Our opinion doesn't really matter though, what song do you like performing more?" Onew asked. The girls also answered at the same time. KyungMi, JinHee, HaNeul, and HyunJae all said 'Wanna', while MiYoung didn't answer. "MiYoung?, Key said with a concerned voice, what was your favorite?"  "Uh... Lucky" MiYoung answered quickly. She was staring away from everyone and avoiding eye contact. 

            Wendy called the girls and told them she was ready to go. MiYoung was the first one out to the van. She jumped in and waited for the other girls. After everyone was inside they began the drive home. MiYoung put her headphones in her ear and leaned her head on the window, lost in thought. "What's wrong with MiYoung?" HaNeul asked. "I don't know~!" KyungMi whispered loudly. "Shes been like that ever since dinner last night." JinHee added. "Oh no~! You think i really hurt her by saying what i said?" HaNeul said with a concerned voice. "Wait, I wasn't there last night during dinner. What happened?" HyunJae said with a confused look on her face. KyungMi, JinHee, and HaNeul looked at each other. Finally someone explained, " Basically, last night HaNeul called MiYoung out on the fact that she has been hanging out with JongHyun but she is still dating Dion even though he's back home." JinHee said. "She called her a two-timer." KyungMi added. "Well what did MiYoung say?" HyunJae asked. "She said that their relationship was platonic and then she left." KyungMi said. "Hmm, HyunJae wondered aloud, I think she's scared. We all know she has some feelings for JongHyun. Its obvious but we also know she does care about Dion but she doesn't want to confront the situation head on. Give her some time its her personal business and her decision." "Yeah, lets not make things worse it may cause a rift in the group and we DONT need that right now" KyungMi said. The girls agreed and dropped the conversation. 


              Later that day, HaNeul was Skyping Adam in her room while HyunJae, KyungMi and JinHee were in the living room watching a movie. Everyone was relaxing when MiYoung walked out of her room and got on the elevator. KyungMi looked in her direction but she didn't say anything, like HyunJae said she needed to deal with it on her own. She had just turned her attention back to the movie when her phone vibrated. She had gotten a text from MinHo asking if she wanted to play some basketball with him. She agreed to meet him in front of the building in 15 minutes. KyungMi got off the couch and changed into some sweats. " where are you going?" HyunJae asked. "To play basketball with MinHo", KyungMi said while tying her hair into a ponytail, "wanna come?" "No thats alright~ have fun",HyunJae said, "I'm going out to lunch pretty soon." "Well damn! Everybody's just leaving me~" JinHee said. "Aww come on Jin, KyungMi said, Hana is still here~" "yeah shes here but shes busy." Jin said. "Well, we'll be back later. Im gonna get dressed. Onew will be here in 10 minutes." HyunJae said. 


              JinHee pouted. Everyone was gone and she was bored. She decided she was going to get dressed and do something. After she changed her clothes she went out to the front of the building and looked around. The streets were bustling with people and she didn't know which direction to go in first. She decided to turn left and start walking, when she was half way down the block she heard her name. She turned around and saw Key running towards her. "Hey~" she said. "Hi, he replied, i was just coming to see if you wanted to see a movie or something. Everyone is busy apparently and I wasn't going to be the only one sitting at home alone." They both laughed.  "Sure" she said. "Okay~ its this way." He said. They walked down the street together chatting idly about things in their lives. Suddenly key grabbed her hand. "It gets a bit crowded over here. Hold my hand so you don't get lost." He said. JinHee held his hand a little tighter and they went down the street. The arrived at the theatre and purchased two tickets for a random movie chosen by the cashier, they wanted to be surprised. The sat in the theatre and enjoyed the romantic comedy the cashier had chosen for them. " wow that movie was pretty funny, key said, i wonder why he chose a romantic comedy though." "He probably thought we were on a date" JinHee said. They both laughed and held hands again while walking up the crowded street. When they got home they realized they were still holding hands. They pulled away and said goodbye. JinHee got into the elevator and leaned on the wall. Key wasn't a bad guy after all she thought to herself. Maybe the tour wouldn't be so bad after all. 


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