Chapter 18

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JinHee fixed her mic and looked at herself in the mirror. "You ready Jin?,MiYoung asked,It's almost time to go on." "Yeah~" JinHee said. She walked out of their dressing room and waited with the rest of group backstage. They were finally going to have their debut stage and they were so excited. By the end of the week they would be meeting up with SHINee in Indonesia to finish the tour. They were finally introduced and  went on stage to perform. They did their two songs and walked off stage. They had done it and they were phenomenal. At the end of the show they got into the van and went back to their dorm. It had been a long time since they'd been there and it was bittersweet, they were home but SHINee wasn't. "Congrats ladies~ you did absolutely wonderful tonight." "Thanks Wen, MiYoung said." "Wendy, if we're here who's opening for SHINee?" JinHee asked. "Oh, Uhm, F(x) i believe, Wendy replied, now get to sleep you guys have a StarKing appearance tomorrow." Wendy left and the girls took their showers. When they were done the girls   went to their rooms and went to bed.  


                MiYoung woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and tears. She'd had a nightmare and reached for her phone. She didn't realize who she was calling until they'd already answered the phone. It was JongHyun. "Hello?" he said in a tired voice.  "Hi, she said, I'm sorry I called so late. I had a bad nightmare but I'm okay. Please go back to sleep I'm sorry I woke you." "No its alright, he said, tell me about it." "No, no its okay. Im sorry. Go back to bed have a good night." She said. "Okay,he said, goodnight MiYoung." They hung up the phone. MiYoung put her phone on the nightstand and sighed. She couldn't deny that she missed him and couldn't stop thinking about the morning when he showed the her sunrise. She had to shake those thoughts away, she couldn't allow herself to fall for him any further, it just wasn't right. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. 


              The next morning the girls got ready and met wendy in the van. They said hello to JaeChul and made small talk until they arrived at the studio. When they had reached their destination they wished him farewell an d walked into the studio. They got their makeup done and took their place on set. 

There were other idols there already. Min,Fei,Jia,and Suzy of MissA,and DongHae,EunHyuk, and SungMin of SuperJunior. The girls introduced themselves and waited for the show to start. The host HoDong introduced himself and brought out the first talent.  An 18 year old girl named Kang JiSun who demonstrated her flexibility and gymnastic skills. She flipped across the stage and did a split in front of SungMin pulling a plastic daisy out her bra. The audience and idols went crazy with laughter, they got even louder when he out the flower between his teeth. HoDong applauded the performer and addressed the girls. "So, he asked, how is the tour going with SHINee?" "Great!" The girls said in unison. "Why don't you leave them a video message?" HoDong suggested. The girls obliged and left the boys a message of well wishes and gratitude for the opportunity and privilege of joining them on the tour. HoDong introduced the next performer, a 17 year old boy named Bang TaeHyun who was a fire breather. He dazzled the crowd with his show and then kissed Suzy's hand. "Its hot!" Suzy said while laughing. TaeHyun took a bow and left the stage. HoDong joked around with the idols for a while and then introduced the last performer, a 22 year old woman named Yoo Aram who was a belly dancer. During her act she made EunHyuk dance with her touch her stomach while she made her belly roll. The crowd went insane with applause. After she was done HoDong invited all of the talents back on stage and by show of applause Bang TaeHyun had won the title of 'Best Act of the  Episode.' He thanked everyone and winked at Suzy before leaving the stage with the other contestants. HoDong thanked everyone for appearing on the show an thanked the audience for coming out.


           The girls shook hands with everyone before leaving and met Wendy  and JaeChul outside of the studio. They got into the van and went back to their dorm to change clothes. After changing the girls went to dinner together at a restaurant near their dorm. After they were seated and ordered their drinks. "Oh my god that fire breather though~, HyunJae said, he almost burned off Suzy's frickin' hand." "I know~,HaNeul said, i was like NO!NO!NO!NO! In my head." "Ha! Why does that remind me of one of my favorite songs when I was young?" MiYoung said. "HA! Mi said Young!" JinHee joked. "How did you get here~" MiYoung sang. "Nobody's 'posed to be here~~" KyungMi chimed in. The girls laughed. Their orders arrived and started eating while continuing their conversation. "You know what i just realized?" KyungMi asked. "What?" The other girls said together. "We never got to try food in singapore~" she said with a frown. "Ohh yeahh~" JinHee said. "Well we just have to go back again one day" HyunJae added. The girls finished their meals paid and tipped their waiter and left. 


              As they walked out of the restaurant they heard someone shout "Wait~!!". They turned around to see a little boy and his mother running after them. They stopped to let them catch up. "Hi~" the boy said when he reached them. "Hiii~" the girls said together. "Are you SPARKLee?" The boy asked. "Yes we are little one, MiYoung said, and whats your name?" "Its Jang JiHyun,the boy said, can we take a picture with you?" "Of course!" KyungMi and JinHee said in unison. They girls posed for a few photos and said goodbye. 

                  When they arrived at their dorm the girls sat on the couch. "So, how many days do we have left till we get back to the tour?" MiYoung asked. "3, KyungMi said with a sigh, i want to get back now~~~!" "Oh my gosh Kyung do you actually miss him?!" MiYoung said. "Yeah~" KyungMi answered. The girls laughed. "Well I'm going to bed now, HaNeul said, its late my feet hurt and I think I have the itis." "I second that notion." HyunJae said. HaNeul and HyunJae went to bed while MiYoung,JinHee, and KyungMi stayed on the couch. "Guys, maknae has a problem,MiYoung said, last night I had a nightmare and instinctively called JongHyun instead of Dion. What does that mean?" "Maybe you just like JongHyun more?" JinHee suggested. "Yeah~ you guys have chemistry, chemistry that I've never seen between you and Dion." KyungMi added. MiYoung nodded considering the things her Unnies had said. "Mmm I'm gonna go to bed. I suddenly understand where HaJae is coming from with that foot pain thing." KyungMi and JinHee followed suit and went into their bedrooms for the night. MiYoung sighed walking into her bedroom and sitting on the edge of her bed. She looked at the covers and imagined JongHyun's sleeping body laying there. Taking a deep breath she held back tears while climbing into bed. This would just have to be another sleepless night. 


              The next three days went by quickly with fan meets, performances, TV appearances and interviews but before the girls knew it they were on a plane on their way to Indonesia. When they arrived at the hotel they were exhausted and decided to sleep until it was time to get ready for the show tonight. They dived into their beds only to be woken up 2 hours later by a knock on the door. KyungMi got up and answered the door. It was MinHo and JongHyun. "Hey, she said, whats going on guys?" KyungMi asked. "Nothing much~,MinHo said, may we come in?" "Sure" she said stepping aside. They stepped inside and sat on the couch. MinHo sat on the couch with KyungMi while they told eachother all about the week they'd had without eachother. "KyungMi, i have something for you." MinHo said. "What is it?" KyungMi asked. He pulled out the velvet jewelry bag and handed it to her. She opened the bag and pulled out a necklace with a rose pendant on it. "It's beautiful, she said, the rose is so pretty." "The rose reminds me of you." MinHo said. "Why?" KyungMi asked while he put the necklace on her. "You're my rose without a thorn, true beauty without inner flaw." He said. She smiled and hugged him. She didn't know if she was ready but she was falling for this guy hard and fast. She hoped everything would work out for them.  

             "MiYoung?! JongHyun called. "In here~!, MiYoung yelled from her bed, come here" she patted a spot next to her on the bed. He walked in the room and sat down. "Hi, he said smiling, how are you?" "Exhausted,MiYoung said, I haven't slept in days. Don't say anything just stay with me." He nodded and put his arm around her shoulder. She turned onto her side, put her arm around his waist and fell asleep on his chest. After playing with her hair for a while he fell asleep himself. 


               JinHee got up, brushed her teeth and got dressed. She had gotten a text from Key saying he wanted to give her something. She met him outside the hotel near the pool. "Hi~" she said. "Hey~ how are you?" He asked when he saw her. "Im fine, how are you?" She asked. "Im great, he said, here this is for you." He handed her a little black box and the two of them sat on pool chairs. She opened the box and her face lit up. It was a silver charm bracelet. "Thank you so much" she said while he helped her put it on. "It's so beautiful" she said. "Your welcome." He said. They laid back on the chairs and talked about SPARKLee's week away.        

          JinHee admired her new bracelet, loving the way it glistened in the sunlight, when she noticed something. There was a charm on the bracelet already, it was a key.

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