Chapter 29

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MiYoung walked the dark streets of New York alone. She had been looking for JongHyun all night. She went everywhere she could think of and had called him 20x. She finally gave up hope and went back to the hotel around 3am.  She stalked into the Jin2Mi suite and headed straight for her bedroom. All she wanted to do was rip her clothes off and plop into bed although she didn't think she was going to get much sleep. 

        No one had heard from JongHyun or seen him since he left the concert arena. She was worried sick. MiYoung opened her bedroom and was startled by JongHyun's sleeping figure in her bed. He looked angry even while he was sleeping. She decided to quickly change her clothes and try to sleep, she would talk to him in the morning. After she finished changing into night clothes she took a pillow and went to sleep on the couch in the living room. 

             The next morning MiYoung woke herself by rolling off of the couch. She got up and walked over to the bathroom where she bumped into JongHyun. "Oh~ hey" she said with her eyes cast downward, she couldn't bare to look him in the eyes. She felt like a coward. "Where were you last night? Where you with him?" he asked in a sharp dry tone. "No,she said quietly, I wasn't." She was afraid, she had never seen him so angry or be so cold towards her. "Don't lie to me MiYoung, he said while pushing past her back to go back to her room,  You've done enough of that." She could feel her heart sinking, she knew that she hurt him badly. She took a deep breath and followed him. "Can we talk?" she asked while shutting the door behind her. "Fine", he said while standing on the other side of the room with his back turned to her, "Talk I'd love to hear this explanation." She sighed. "Okay, I deserve that. I don't expect you to want to have anything to do with me. For a very long time. I'm sorry you had to see what you saw last night and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him." she said. He sat on the edge of the bed with his head hanging down. "So what exactly did I see?" he asked. "Dion and I were together before I left for Korea, she said, but it was a very unhappy, stressful, hurtful, terrible relationship and he knew that I had no love or feeling for him anymore. We weren't officially broken up because we just haven't spoken in months. to be honest I actually forgot about him until he showed up last night." 

              JongHyun sighed. "Then where were you last night?" he asked. She put her head down, suddenly embarrassed. "I was out looking for you" she said. He sat up straight and looked at her for the first time since they started talking. "Until 3 in the morning?, he asked with a tinge of both worry and surprise in his voice, You were out  looking for me on the dark scary streets alone? WHY?!?" She smiled to herself it would be the first time that she would actually admit this to him. "Because I love you" she said. He smiled, he didn't know if it was too soon to say this, but it felt so natural. "I love you too" he said. He moved across the room and went to kiss her but she stopped him. "As much as I'd like for us to just kiss and make up, I won't. I know from personal experience that you may feel better right now but you're not over it. Your head may feel clear but this will be on your heart for some time. So I'll wait, and when you're really ready. We can be together again." she said.


                            MinHo and KyungMi were sitting on the couch in the the JongKeyMin suite. JinHee and Key had gone out shopping and JongHyun was in the girls' room with MiYoung. He had his arm around her while they were watching a movie. Suddenly her phone rang. MinHo answered it. "Hello you have reached Mrs.Choi's personal line, this is her husband speaking, how may I help you?" he said. KyungMi beamed the thought of marrying him was like a cloud coming down on her and and enveloping her heart with feathery softness. She couldn't believe how truly happy she was. She looked at the smile on his face as he spoke into the phone and knew that he was feeling the same way. Suddenly his eyes widened and the angelic smile faded away. He handed the phone to her. "Hello?" she said while wondering what cause him to react that way, Then she found out. "Tatiana~!" The voice on the other end said. KyungMi's voice went 10x higher and the fear in it was very evident. "Uh~~ hey mom~" she said.

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