Chapter 26

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KyungMi opened her eyes and turned over. Her head was killing her and her eyes hurt.  Where was she? She looked around the strange bedroom until something caught her attention. A diploma hanging on the wall with the name 최민호 written on it in bold letters. 'What the kimchi was she doing in MinHo's room' she wondered. She heard a noise and covered her head with the sheets. 

                The door opened and MinHo walked in. He placed a tray on his desk and opened the curtains. "Ahhh~, KyungMi groaned, close the curtain its too bright. MinHo smiled and closed the curtain. "Oh good~you're awake. Here~ i made you breakfast, brought some aspirin for the headache, and a pair of sunglasses for the light sensitivity" He said. 

             "Thank You~,KyungMi said. Any chance you would have an extra toothbrush?" MinHo pulled one from his pocket and smiled. "Here you go~, he said, or you could use mine" He smiled and they both laughed. KyungMi went to the bathroom brushed her teeth and washed her face. She noticed she wasn't wearing her own clothes. She had on a jersey that looked like a dress on her and pair of shorts. She giggled to herself and walked out of the bathroom running into Key. "Oh~ sorry Key~, she said, didn't see you there." "Thats alright, Key said with a smile, I saw you." He chuckled and went into the bathroom. 

                KyungMi walked back into MinHo's room and sat on the bed. "Hey~" she said. "Hi~" MinHo replied. KyungMi took the aspirin and put on the sunglasses. MinHo smiled at how cute she looked in his clothes and sunglasses. They sat in bed and ate breakfast. "MinHo~, she asked, what happened last night?"  He smirked and chuckled. "Long story short, he said, we both got a little drunk and we uhh sorta made out a little at this party we went to. Then we continued to make out when we got home. Then we made our way in here while making out and got undressed down to our underwear." "Oh god~, KyungMi said, We didn't~ did we?" MinHo laughed. "No, he said, we stopped." "Why?" She asked suddenly,surprising him and herself.  "I didn't think it would be right,he said holding his head down, we were both drunk. It wouldn't have really meant anything or have been special. I mean~ not that everything i do with you isn't special but... You get what i mean right?" "Yeah~" KyungMi said. "I hope you're not upset with me" MinHo said with his eyes cast down. "No~, KyungMi said, I agree with your decision. It was very sweet of you~ thank you." They smiled at each other and finished eating. KyungMi felt a bit uneasy... Everything about him was too perfect. 


              JinHee woke up and saw Key coming back into the room. "Hey~ sleepy head, he said getting back into bed with her, i thought you wouldn't be up for another hour."I don't know why Im up actually~,she said, its weird." He nodded. "Well if you're hungry Im making breakfast. Go ahead and get yourself tidy. Im going to finish cooking." He handed her a toothbrush. JinHee stared at key for a minute thinking he would move for her, he was laying on his back with is hands behind his head and his eyes closed. When he didn't she climbed over him. All of a sudden she felt hands on her waist. He'd grabbed onto her so she was straddling him then rolled her onto her back. He kissed her neck and moved down to her breasts, nibbling on her nipples softly. She sucked her breath in sharply, then he stopped. He chuckled got up and left the room.

             JinHee sat on the bed breathing heavily. 'What the jesus just happened' she wondered aloud. She shook her head and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she got done she went into the kitchen and had breakfast with Key. They were idly chatting while eating when Onew walked through the kitchen. "Hey guys~" he said while grabbing a piece of fruit and heading to the door. JinKey just waved. When Onew left JinHee spoke. "What was that about?" JinHee asked. "What was what about?" Key asked in between taking bites of his breakfast. "Earlier~ don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." JinHee said. Key laughed. "Nothing,he said, I just wanted to try something." JinHee looked at him with squinted eyes and a raised eyebrow. She shook her head and finished eating. After breakfast JinHee washed the dishes. When she was done they went back to bed. JinHee felt nervous laying next to Key but at the same time it was comfortable. She liked being with him even if she had a mini heart attack every time he moved. 


           MiYoung was in the kitchen making pancakes and bacon when JongHyun came in and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled.... "Hey sweet thang~" she said. He chuckled. "Good morning~, he said, I woke up and you weren't there. Is this where you've been?"  "Yeah~ you know I had to make breakfast for my man" she said with a laugh. He turned her around and kissed her. "Ohh~ JongHyun you're not supposed to kiss me with morning breath, she said while laughing, only married people do that." "Well we can play pretend~" he whispered in her ear. MiYoung's eyes widened. All of a sudden Robin Thicke's 'In the morning' started playing in her head, she bit her lip and looked up at him. He was about to kiss her again when the elevator doors opened. 

         "Oh~~ hey guys~, Onew said nervously, uhh... Is HyunJae awake." MiYoung cleared her throat and turned back to the stove. "Y-Y-Yeahh~~ I think so~ you can go check,she said pointing in the direction of their bedrooms, end of the hall on the left." Onew smiled, while wondering what he had just walked in on since MiYoung was only wearing a T-Shirt and underwear, and JongHyun was only wearing pajama pants. He shook his head and walked down the hall. 

          MiYoung finished breakfast while JongHyun set the table. They sat down and started eating and he started playing footsie with her. She put her foot between his legs and pressed down. "Stop,she said, or ill kick you here." He laughed. "No you wont, he said, you'd feel bad and have to make it up to me." She copied her unnie's 'classic Jin face'. "Wait till i finish eating. We'll see" she said. They ate a little quicker and when they were done JongHyun put the dishes in the sink. "Im telling you you're not going to do it" He said. "iight bet!, she said, stand over there. I'll kick you right now."

             He stood in the living room with his legs parted a bit and she stood in front of him making a show of stretching her leg as if she needed to prepare. He laughed. "I told you, you wouldn't do it" he said while pulling her close to him. "You're right, she said, but i can still hurt you." She grabbed him and squeezed. "Ahh~!" he groaned in pain. She ran off into her room and he chased her and locked the door behind him.


         Onew knocked on HyunJae's room door. "Come in~!" She yelled. He opened the door and stepped inside. "Hey Hyunnie Bunny~" he said. "Hi~~" she said with a smile. "I was wondering if you would like to go with me to breakfast?" He asked. "Sure~ ,she said, let me just shower and get ready. Onew went into the living room and sat on the couch. He heard HyunJae singing in the shower and laughed to himself. 

                  About 20 minutes later HyunJae came into the living room. "Im ready~,she said, lets go." They went downstairs and got into his car. They drove to a cafe and had breakfast outdoors. They talked,laughed, and enjoyed themselves. When they were done they drove to a park and people watched. Making jokes about peoples' outfits and behavior. 

             Onew put his arm around HyunJae. She leaned on his shoulder and they continued to joke about the people around them. "Oh my god~ look at this bug eyed individual,she said, he needs to go home and ask his mom why she lied to him all his life." Onew busted out laughing. "Well, that woman also needs to go purchase a mirror, because she obviously doesn't own one." Onew muttered under his breath. HyunJae thought she would die from laughter. She was so comfortable with him it was a little creepy but she liked it. 


        HaNeul and TaeMin had just got back to her dorm. They had been at an all night horror movie festival and they were exhausted. They stalked through the hallway slowly barely being able to move. HaNeul opened her bedroom door, went inside and started to undress. "Woah~"TaeMin said while stepping out and closing the door. "Its alright~, HaNeul said, honestly I'm too tired to care right now. She changed into her pajamas. TaeMin started to leave when HaNeul stopped him. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Home,he answered, so you can sleep." " Oh come on~~, she said, stay here~." He nodded and went back into her room. He stripped down to his boxers and got into bed with her. They talked for a while then drifted off to sleep. Everyone else had started their day together while TaeNeul was saying goodnight.

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