Chapter 34

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JinHee woke up and rolled over. The sunlight peeked through the curtains and created a warm spot on the bed. She looked at it and smiled. "Hey~ how are you feeling?" Key said. JinHee looked up and almost died. "What the jesus~! When did you get here?" She said. He laughed. "I've been here~, he said, I came in when you were sleeping." "So you just sat there like a creep?" She said. "I didn't watch you! I just waited." He protested. JinHee rubbed her eyes. "When did you guys get home?" She asked. "A few hours ago, he said, we went to the dorm and put down our bags then came here." "Oh~~" JinHee said. Key smiled at her. "Now that you're awake, he said, you can shower and get dressed. We have work to do." "Work?" JinHee asked. "Yes~ I heard about what the CEO said and I want to help." He said

"Why?" JinHee said with a confused laugh. "Because, I can't let you leave me." He said. 


            JinHee smiled. "I'll go get ready~ I'll be right back." She got up and walked to the bathroom to shower. She was happy to have him in her life. She didn't want to leave him either. 



              MinHo sat in the chair at KyungMi's desk and watched her sleep. He studied her face. He liked the way her face scrunched up while she slept as if she was deep in thought. He admired the way her eyebrows naturally arched perfectly and her cute little button nose. His eyes finally fell on her lips. They were small but plump. He imagined the last time they'd kissed on the street in New York. The warmth he felt in his heart came over him once again. He wanted to relive it.  He found himself walking over to her and kneeling beside her bed. Making his head leveled with hers.    Before he could stop himself their lips were already touching. 


           KyungMi's eyes shot open. She was startled opened by someone kissing her. Her first instinct was to push away but suddenly the kiss felt more familiar. When she  realized it was MinHo,she started to kiss back. Neither of their minds were in control  and somehow he ended up in bed with her while they were making out. His arm was around her waist and he cupped her cheek with his other hand.  She leaned into him more and rested her hand on his face softly. 


              His hands lowered onto her behind and KyungMi suddenly broke the kiss. "Woaah~~~, she said while pushing him away, what are we doing?" "I am so sorry~" he said. They both breathed heavily. "Uhmm maybe you should get dressed~" MinHo suggested with a bright red face. "Yeah~~" KyungMi said while grabbing her towel and pulling out practice clothes. She stood near the door. "Don't feel bad, she said, I'm fine." He smiled at her and she smiled back before walking out of the room



               "MiYoung-ah ~" JongHyun whispered. "MiYoung  ~~~" he whispered into her ear. "Mmmm?" MiYoung mumbled. "Wake up~" JongHyun said softly. MiYoung opened her eyes. "Hey~~, she said, how long have you been here?" "Just a little while~, JongHyun said, did you know you snore?" "I do not~!" MiYoung said while sitting up and bringing her knees to her chest. "You do, he said, its cute." "Well~~~ you sleep with your eyes open like a super creep" she said. "I only do it when I'm with you so I can still watch you when I'm sleeping" he said with a smirk. "You're a liar, a cute one~, but still a liar." They laughed. He leaned in to kiss her but she stopped him "JongHyun~~ how many times to I have to tell you only married people kiss with morning breath" she said. He kissed her anyway. "You already have my last name~~ now shut up and kiss me Mrs. Kim." He said before kissing her again. MiYoung tried to keep herself from squealing. "What are you doing today?" She asked. "Whatever you're doing" he replied. "What if I plan on laying here like a sack of potatoes?" She asked. "Then i'll do the same~" he said. They both laughed. "Mmm as much as I'd love to lay in bed with you all day~ I gotta get up and shower. Today's a workout/practice day." She said. "Mmm well I can help you work out and I can definitely help you hit a few high notes." He said with a smirk. MiYoung's eyes widened. "You are soooo nasty~!, she said, I really have to work today though~~ BUT~ if you hurry you can help me shower." She said with wink. "Really?" He asked while sitting up a little straighter. "Yeah~ if you can catch me first~" she said while grabbing her towel and running to the bathroom. He kicked off his shoes and chased her. 

When MiYoung got to the bathroom JinHee had just walked out and went back into her room. MiYoung stepped inside and put her towel on the rack on the wall.  She heard the door close. "Looks like I just caught you~" JongHyun said. 


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