Chapter 11

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The girls walked out of the conference room and into the elevator. "Well, there goes our vacation" JinHee said. "Yeah~ and this all starts tomorrow? Goodness me!" MiYoung added. "Well isn't this what we came here for?" HaNeul asked, "Did you guys forget that there would actually be work." "No~" KyungMi replied. "Regardless of what we signed up for, or thought we signed up for, we have to do what we have to do." HyunJae said. 

             The girls nodded in agreement. This was their last day of vacation before their lives were consumed with work. They went back to their dorm and  went to their rooms, the house was quiet. Ding! Chimed the elevator. "Uh, hello? ,a voice said, It's 1:30 in the afternoon I hope you're all dressed." The voice called. KyungMi poked her head out of her room door to find all the other girls doing the same. "Who the hell is that?" MiYoung whispered. "I don't know!" She whispered back. "Somebody go see" HyunJae said. "No!" The other girls said. "Fine! I'll go!" HaNeul said opening her door. 

             She walked down the hallway and into the living room where she saw their mystery guest. "Oh hello~, he said, I'm Key. What's your name?, he extended his hand to her and she shook it. "HaNeul!, she said, smiling devilishly. Give me a moment ill be right back." She ran into the hallway and motioned for the other girls that it was safe to come out. "Who is it?" JinHee said. "Oh no one~" HaNeul said smiling. MiYoung knew her Unnie was up to something and peeked out into the living room. "Come on guys it's cool~" she said, walking over to JinHee to grab her hand. HyunJae and KyungMi peeked out into the living room wanting to know why MiYoung and HaNeul were smiling so hard. When they saw him, they turned back to JinHee and smiled themselves.

               "Come on Jin, HyunJae said, lets go greet our guest." She grabbed Jin's other hand. Together HyunJae and MiYoung pulled her out into the living room. When she saw who was there she jetted back into her bed room. 

       Key was puzzled. He didn't understand what was going on or why one of the girls ran away. He cleared his throat. "Ahem~" he said. MiYoung turned to face him. "Oh~ I'm so sorry, she said, how rude of us. I'm MiYoung, she shook his hand, this is KyungMi, HyunJae, and I believe you've already met HaNeul." "Yes, very nice to meet you all. My members are downstairs in the lobby, sorry for intruding we borrowed  Krystal's guest card" he said. 

           "Ah well send them right up, HaNeul said, we would love to meet them. "Alright, Key said, I'll go get them." He went to the elevator and went down. When he was gone the girls looked at eachother. "Oh my god JongHyun is coming upstairs!" MiYoung said. "Yeah, and MinHo!" KyungMi added. "Good thing were already dressed, HyunJae said, Thank The Lord for SeoJin's random meetings." "JinHee get your ass out here!", HaNeul yelled, if you can't be out here to meet them then take your ass home cause there's no way you'll survive on tour!" 

             They heard her door open. "I'm coming! Im coming!" JinHee said, storming into the living room. The girls sat on the couch and waited. Ding! The elevator went. The guys walked into the apartment. Everyone was quiet and stared at eachother for a while when MiYoung stood up. "Hi, she said, I'm MiYoung. Please have a seat, it's nice to meet you all." They sat down and KyungMi spoke. "Would you like anything to drink ?" She asked. The boys looked at eachother, "water" they all said together.  KyungMi stood up and MiYoung followed her.  They returned with water for everyone. KyungMi gave the water to the girls while MiYoung gave the boys their water.

           "What are your names?" MiYoung asked as if she didn't know. She handed a water bottle to the first guy in front of her. When he reached for it she pulled it back. "Ah ah ah~ you have to tell us your name first" she said. Everyone laughed. "Onew" he said. She smiled and moved on. "And you?" she asked. "TaeMin" he said. She handed him the water bottle. "And you?" She asked the next person. "MinHo" he said. She gave him the water and moved over. "Hi Key~ we already know you", she said with a smile, "and last but not least, what's your name?" She gestured to the last member. He looked up at her and smirked putting his hand over hers on the water bottle. "JongHyun", he said, as she let go. She nodded and sat down on the couch next to her members. "Now that we're all acquainted, HyunJae said nudging MiYoung, what brings you all here to our humble abode ?" 

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