Chapter 3

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MiYoung woke up at 3 and looked around the room. JinHee and KyungMi were on the bed next to her and HaNeul was at the foot of the bed while HyunJae slept on the sofa next to  Hana. She looked at her phone, saw the date, June 14th, and smiled. "WAKE UP!" She yelled. "Everybody we only have an hour to get ready clocks ticking! we're late!"

            The other girls groggily got out of bed muttering about the early wake up call but sure enough within an hour everyone was ready and looking fabulous. "Nice airport fashion" MiYoung said looking at everyone. Gina ran into the room to take their picture before they went out to the cab. "Everybody say SPARKLee!"she yelled. "SPARKLee~~~" the girls chimed as they smiled for the photo. The cab's horn beeped as the girls grabbed their bags and ran outside. They had all said goodbye to their parents and loved ones the night before and they were ready to go. They loaded their luggage and themselves into the cab and they were off to the airport to start the greatest summer ever. 


        After going through the check in process and security clearings the girls arrived to the terminal. "Here we are!" MiYoung said happily. They sat in a row and placed their carry-on bags on the floor in front of them. They spoke quietly amongst themselves until it was time to board the plane. When the time came they picked up their bags and waited in line to enter the plane. On the plane they sat in one row JinHee,KyungMi, and MiYoung in a row of three and HyunJae and HaNeul in a row of two across the aisle. The plane hummed to a start and the girls found themselves drifting off to sleep. 


          When they awoke the plane was landing. They looked at each other through sleepy eyes and waited to be instructed to leave the plane. The pilot's voice came over the loud speaker,  welcomed them to Korea, and instructed them that they could leave the plane in a few minutes. The girls got up and took their bags from the over head compartment. They got off the plane and walked into the airport. It was warm and smelled like delicious food. They hadn't realized they were in such a rush to leave that they hadn't eaten. They had light food on the plane but that had long since been digested. "Does anyone see the Rep. we're supposed to be looking for?" KyungMi asked. "Nope but I see deokbokki! Let's go!" MiYoung said. "Wait we have to get our luggage first!" JinHee yelled. "Oh! right!" MiYoung said as they walked towards baggage claim. They retrieved their luggage and started walking toward the deokbokki kiosk to order some food. MiYoung was first, getting her food, followed by JinHee, HyunJae HaNeul and lastly KyungMi. 

"Mmm this is so good" MiYoung said. The girls agreed by nodding their heads. 

         When they were finished they decided to walk outside to get some air when they saw a black van with a driver standing outside with a sign that said SPARKLee. "We're SPARKLee!" JinHee said walking up to him. "Hello girls! nice to meet you, he said opening the door for them. He loaded their luggage into the trunk and got into the drivers seat. "I'm JaeChul Yang by the way ladies. Congratulations on your acceptance. Is this your first time in Korea?" he asked. "Yes" KyungMi said,  "It's very nice to meet you too." The girls had idle conversation with JaeChul until they arrived at the SM building. "Well here we are girls! Good Luck! Your bags will be taken up to your dorm just go right ahead inside. "Thank You!" they said as they got out of the cab and walked into the building. 


           Upon walking into the building the girls were greeted by a thin Asian 

woman and ushered told to stand in a line against the wall. After a few minutes other people started to file in and stand on the wall beside them. Within 10 minutes the lobby was filled and there were 3 rows from wall to wall. The Asian woman finally addressed them. "Everyone please stand up straight! Our CEO will now filter all of you into two rooms. One room will contain those that will be staying with us, the other will containing those who will be immediately sent home."


          The girls looked at each other a little worried. The Asian woman turned the computer monitor on the receptionists desk around and tapped the Bluetooth earpiece in her ear. "alright we will now commence filtration." Two doors were opened on the opposite side of the lobby. The acceptees peeked into the room curiously from where they were standing but their attention was soon brought back to the computer when the Asian woman called out the first name. "Sarah Chung!" she called. A tall Asian girl stepped forward. "Step in front of the screen." Sarah walked over slightly trembling. Everyone waited quietly while the Asian woman listened to her earpiece. "Room A!" she said. Sarah smiled weakly and walked into the room. The next name was called, "Brian Ross!" she yelled. Brian did as Sarah did and was sent to room B.

        Names were called one after the other and all the solo artists were filtered into the rooms. Now for the groups. The Asian woman called the first group. "Zena!" A group of 3 classic snobby white girls walked up to the camera, flipping their hair and smiling provocatively. "Room B!" the Asian woman said. "Later losers! hope you have fun on the flight home!" the blonde one said with a nasal laugh. They walked into the room. MiYoung and HaNeul rolled their eyes. 

         "Red lining!" the Asian woman called out A group of 6 good looking Asian boys walked up to the camera within 2 seconds of them stepping up the Asian woman sent him to Room A. 

Finally the girls' moment had come. The Asian woman called out the name SPARKLee. The girls stepped up and stood in front of the camera for what seemed like an eternity. "mmhm ok, yes sir", The Asian woman looked at them very sternly and said "He wants you to sing something" She said. The girls looked at each other and started to sing the first thing that came to their minds. "Noona Neumu Yeppeo~" they began and the Asian woman put up her hand to stop them. "Room A" she said. 

         The girls walked into the room and took a seat,talking amongst themselves and with a few other acceptees when the lights dimmed and a voice came over the loud speaker. Everyone either shrieked or froze. "Hello Room A, I would like to inform you that you are the lucky group of 20 that will be staying with us. please walk up to the front of the room when the lights turn on again and get a folder with your name on it and information about the next step. The folder will also  contain your dorm key and number. after receiving your folder please go back into the lobby to be directed on where to go." The girls took a deep breath. They made it. They retrieved their folders and waited in the lobby.       

         They walked out just in time to see the denied acceptees from Room B exiting the building. They were being loaded on a bus with sorrow expressions on their faces  as their luggage was brought out and loaded, when the girls from Zena came out of the room screaming. "THIS IS A MISTAKE!" they cried, "YOU MADE A MISTAKE!!" they yelled as security arrived to escort them out. The girls smirked as they waited for the Room B acceptees to clear the lobby. After they were gone, the Asian woman came again and told them to separate into groups of girls and boys and to follow her. They walked across the street to two buildings. "Boys, please walk into the building on the right. Jimmy will help you further. Girls, come with me." 


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