Chapter 14

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MiYoung woke up and looked around her room. She didn't exactly know how she got there. She remembered being in JongHyun's car but how did she get here? Then she saw him.    He was fast asleep at the foot of her bed curled up in a ball. She got up and pulled his shoes off. If he was going to be there he should be comfortable. She pulled him up to the pillows and covered him with a blanket then went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she walked out of the room KyungMi called her into the kitchen. "MiYoung?,she asked, why is there a MAN in your room?" "Uh~ i guess he fell asleep there?" She answered.  "A man in what?" HyunJae said walking out and opening the fridge. "Go look in MiYoung's room" KyungMi said shaking her head. HyunJae closed the fridge and walked to MiYoung's door. She opened it and peeked inside. "No~ Way~, she said, HaNeul! Come look at this?"  

           HaNeul walked out of her room. "What?" She asked. "Look~" HyunJae said. HaNeul looked in MiYoung's room and her jaw dropped. "Oh My Gosh~" she said. "Come on guys~, MiYoung said, can we just do our thing and get ready before Wendy comes?" They nodded and MiYoung went to shower. When she was finished she went to her room to grab her clothes and got dressed in KyungMi's room. 

               The were eating breakfast when JongHyun came out of MiYoung's room. "Uhm... Hello~" he said. "Hi~" they said. "MiYoung, I had fun last night. I will see you all later ^^ have a good day" he said walking to the elevator doors and stepping inside. He waved as the doors closed. "MiYoung, JinHee said, why was Kim JongHyun in your room and what kind of 'FUN' did you have last night?!?" "It was completely innocent, she said, relax nothing happened." "Then why don't I believe you?" JinHee asked. "I don't know that seems like a personal problem" MiYoung said as the elevator doors opened. 

              Wendy walked in. "Good morning girls, she said, ah its good that you're eating. Finish up quickly we've got to meet with the director and start filming that backdrop video. Turns out the start date for the tour has been moved up!"  "To when?" HyunJae asked. "4 more weeks. First stop is in Busan. Now lets go ladies we have to get you to the set." The girls finished their breakfast and headed out to the van. 

              "Good Morning JaeChul" the girls said in unison. He greeted them as well. After about a 20 minute drive the van pulled up to what seemed like an old warehouse. "Uh... Are you sure this is the right place ?" HaNeul asked. "Why are you scared?, MiYoung said, it looks like a setting for one of those crazy games you play." "Leave my games alone!" HaNeul said opening the van and stepping out. The girls said goodbye to their driver and got out of the van. Wendy led them to a door on the side of the building and knocked. A tall man opened it and ushered them inside. "Wow~!,KyungMi said, look at this place!" They looked around the large room where there were hair and makeup stations, lights and cameras everywhere. It was their first video shoot ever. A chubby asian man walked over to the girls and was greeted by Wendy. They had a short conversation to themselves then he spoke to the girls. "Hello, you all must be SPARKLee, he said, nice to meet you all. I am the director please call me HanSu. Today we will just be taking a few promotional photos for the tour and then shoot a short introduction video to be played for the crowd before each show starts. I'd like you all to go get on your wardrobe and have your makeup done while the boys take their pictures." He smiled at them and walked back over to his director's chair. 

               Wendy led the girls into wardrobe where the stylist had already chosen outfits for them. They each took their garment bag and went to get dressed. HyunJae was finished first. She was wearing a white shirt with a red and blue cardigan and dark blue jeans with red flats. HaNeul came out next wearing a blue pleated skirt with a white shirt and black strapped wedged heels. JinHee was third wearing navy blue jeans with a red and white vertically stripped shirt and white flats. MiYoung came out next wearing white jeans and a red shirt with red heels. KyungMi was last and also the cutest wearing  a bright red sundress with a white belt and white wedged heels. 

                The girls got their hair and make up done then walked out of the dressing room. They noticed the boys were also dressed in the same red, white, and blue theme. "What is this the fourth of July?" HaNeul joked. "I don't know it seems like a unity thing,MiYoung said, since South Korea and The U.S have the same flag colors. "Riiiiiight~!" JinHee said. 

                  HanSu called the girls onto the set. They walked over and waited to be instructed on what to do. After about an hour of smiling and taking pictures as a group and alone the boys finally joined the girls on set. 30 minutes later the photo shoot portion of the day was finished. The girls did their video shoot and waited to be allowed to go home. To kill time, they went to the snack table. When the boys were done they joined them. Everyone had to wait while the director reviewed the video and the photos to make sure there wasn't a need to reshoot anything. "KyungMi,MinHo said, your dress is very cute." She blushed. "Thank You~" She said. The two of them walked away having a private conversation. "Ahhh~~ they are so cute~!" JinHee said. "I know~~~!, MiYoung added, I can't wait till they get married." "Married?" Onew asked. "Yes!, MiYoung exclaimed, those two are going to fall in love." "You think so?"

TaeMin wondered aloud. "Definitely,JinHee said, we've proclaimed it a long time ago." MiYoung gave JinHee a wide eyed look. "JinHee!, MiYoung said, shuuuuuttt aaapppppp~~~~!!!" "Yeah,HyunJae added, SHUUUUT APPPPP~! Putting the girl on the spot like that!" HaNeul face palmed and walked to the other side of the table, she didnt want to be apart of this conversation any longer because she knew exactly where it was going. TaeMin excused himself and followed her. Onew and JongHyun looked confused. "What are you guys talking about?" Onew asked. "She likes him!, Key said, Its so obvious! Are you guys that blind? I knew it from the first day they met." "No she doesn't" MiYoung said trying to make a last feeble attempt to save KyungMi's secret. "Now that i think about it I think she does" Onew said. "But MinHo likes her too so I don't know what the issue is really. They can just date in secret like TaeMin and Krystal." Key said. "WHAT?!?" JinHee, HyunJae, and MiYoung said together. 

              "Girls! Its time to go!" Wendy called from across the room. They changed out of their clothes, said goodbye, and went outside into the van. They were all silent on the ride home. When the girls got upstairs they washed their faces and sat down in the kitchen. "Anybody hungry?" JinHee asked. They all nodded. "What do you wanna make",KyungMi said getting up to look in the cupboard. "Eh, lets order something, MiYoung said, how about some chicken? We haven't had chicken in a while." "Sounds good, KyungMi said, I don't have to be attacked by oil." The girls laughed. 

                "Anybody actually have a number for said chicken place?" HaNeul asked. "No, but i think i know where we can get it." HyunJae said taking out her iPod.

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